  • 會議論文


"Crazy Dance Theater: Dancing together with Arts" Research for outdoor teaching of junior high school performing arts course


本研究旨在探討「飆舞劇場:藝起跳起來」戶外教學方案, 實施於國中表演藝術課程中之情形。本研究採用個案研究法, 研究者以參與觀察者的身份,進人研究場域中進行個案研究,研究工具包含教師教學紀錄、觀察員觀察紀錄表、學生課堂紀錄表、課堂影像紀錄等資料,加以分析歸納。研究對象為高雄市○○國中於2014 年9 月入學之一年級學生, 採研究者所任教之一個班級, 人數為男生14人、女生14人,共28位學生。每週一堂課,一堂課45分鐘,實施為期四週的教學內容,研究時間於2015年04月02日(四)實施至2015年04月23日(四) 。其研究主要發現如下:一、「飆舞劇場:藝起跳起來」戶外教學方案有效落實於國中表演藝術課程中。二、「飆舞劇場:藝起跳起來」戶外教學方案中,教師運用幽默、好玩的方式來引導學生思考舞步與隊形編排,讓學生更有想法。教師運用的教學策略為:由簡單到復雜的舞蹈動作練習,與學生共同復習舞步,有耐心的將舞蹈動作分解並親自示範教學,給予學生建議和鼓勵,並適時提高舞蹈動作的難度,引發學生對舞蹈的興趣。三、實施國中表演藝術課程戶外教學方案後,學生表示在劇場上課很不一樣,劇場空間寬闊比在學校好玩。學生覺得課程內容好玩、有趣,舞蹈動作的難度提高,能激發出自我的挑戰性。在課堂中除了學習街舞舞步、創造新舞步與隊形之外,還學習了上台表演的勇氣、了解團隊合作的重要、努力不放棄的精神以及懂得包容別人的心。


This research aimed to explore outdoor teaching of junior high school performing arts course. The method of case study including teacher's teaching records, observer's record form for observation teaching, student's classroom record form and classroom image records, etc. was used in the research for analysis and conclusion. Research objects were students of grade one enrolled in Kaohsiung City XX Junior High School on Sept., 2014; a class where the researcher taught was adopted to implement 4-week teaching, 45 minutes per class and one class per week for 14 boys and 14 girls totaling 28 students. The research was carried out from Apr.2 (Thur.) to Apr.23 (Thur.), 2015 for the findings as follows: I. Outdoor teaching project "Crazy Dance Theater: Dancing together with Arts" is effectively put into practice for junior high school performing arts course. 2. In outdoor teaching project "Crazy Dance Theater: Dancing together with Arts" ,the teacher can apply demonstration teaching in person with patient, humorous and fun ways, leading students to ponder choreography of dance steps and dance formation from simple to complicated ones for reviewing together with the students, and appropriately giving students suggestions and encouragements to let them have more ideas. 3. After implementation of outdoor teaching of junior high school performing courses students found the course contents full of fun, interest and challenge; new dance steps and formation created in the class would make them learn the courage for onstage performance, importance of teamwork, not giving up and tolerance. In addition, some students expressed dance movements were so hard that they always felt nervous to perform on the stage.
