  • 期刊


Exploring the Flow Experience in the Virtual World by the Auto-driving Method




Break through the traditional Web interaction patterns, virtual world created multiple interpersonal interactions, integrating click-and-mortar human-computer interaction, and the interactive experience of link between human and story. The study uses a role plaingy online game as the research situation to explore the relationship between flow and experience values under the in interactive situation of interpersonal, human-computer, human-environment, and human- script to complete the concept of flow. The present study uses auto-driving interview method not only to generalize the sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral states of flow experience, but also defines flow experience as consumers' state of aesthetic, virtual visualization, emotional contagion, emotional arousal, attention focus, curiosity, inferring thinking, integrated thinking, and sense of control. It is recommended that interpersonal interaction with the paidia and ludus characteristics of game, the surprising game script, causality and vividness of human-computer interaction can also stimulate the emergence of flow. Finally, after immersing in the interpersonal and human-computer interaction experience, consumers would perceive experiential value of achievement, reputation, playfulness and others.


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