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Exploration into the Application of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Humanistic Buddhism to Modern Leadership




The successful operation of any organization to get outstanding results depends on excellent leadership. An excellent leader not only should be equipped with professional leadership talent, but also have good moral character. Venerable Master Hsing Yun proposes Humanistic Buddhism to develop the noble character of Mahayana bodhisattva through participation in activities that benefit humanity, and let the Buddhist teachings be closely linked with the various dimensions of human society. The this-worldly-turn of Humanistic Buddhism enables the Buddha-dharma to become the thought resources and practice framework for developing excellent leadership traits. Venerable Master teaches that a manager should manage his own mind first to win the heart of others. Furthermore, one should cultivate a good moral character of serving others, respecting others, reaching a common understanding, following the law, showing benevolence, consulting the wise, accepting responsibility, trusting the subordinate, and so on. The moral cultivation of Humanistic Buddhism is not a monopoly right for Buddhism; it is applicable to the entire humanity and helps leaders of various disciplines to demonstrate their total power of leadership to lead their teams in achieving their objectives successfully.


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