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Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Humanistic Buddhismand the Chinese Dream




星雲大師 人間佛教 中國夢


The Chinese Dream is an important guiding concept which President Xi Jinping has proposed. Venerable Master Hsing Yun gave clear explanation about the Chinese Dream and the relationship between Humanistic Buddhism and the Chinese Dream. The best systematic explanation about the Chinese Dream he did was at the Cross-Strait Symposium in February 2014 held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. In respect to "The Chinese Dream and Humanistic Buddhism," he mentioned four points: Construct and increase soft power in order to develop the Chinese culture; Five Harmonies are fundamental for Cross-strait peace; Practice the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in order to have happiness and contentment, and Humanistic Buddhism is beneficial to society. These four suggestions Venerable Master also give an overview of the practice of Humanistic Buddhism. Buddhist cultures advocated by Venerable Master are in fact realizing the Chinese Dream. Humanistic Buddhism is an important concept and resources for the Chinese Dream, which is also a great assistance in realizing the Chinese Dream.


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