  • 會議論文
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Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Modern Interpretation on Prajna Wisdom: Focusing on His Publications on the Prajnaparamita Sutras




星雲大師 人間佛教 般若 空性 佛性


This paper discusses the importance of prajna wisdom in Humanistic Buddhism through Venerable Master Hsing Yun's commentaries of the Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra. Venerable Master Hsing Yun promotes Humanistic Buddhism, and propagates Buddhist teachings in a way that is suitable and easily understood by people today. The teachings by Venerable Master Hsing Yun on the depth of prajna wisdom can be summarized as dependent origination and emptiness. The wisdom of ordinary people is the belief in the law of cause and effect. The wisdom of the pratyekabuddhas and sravakas can observe the law of dependent origination and can understand the causes and conditions of all phenomena; those who are more advanced would comprehend the meaning of emptiness through the analysis of causes and conditions. The wisdom of emptiness of the bodhisattvas realizes the non-duality of emptiness and existence, using the supramundane mind to perform mundane tasks. Finally, the prajna wisdom of the Buddha is the perfection of the wisdom of emptiness. Easy-to-understand modern interpretations are used to guide the practitioners to enter, from shallow to deep, the profundity of prajna. Venerable Master Hsing Yun also has a comprehensive understanding in the emptiness of prajna, the concept of Buddha-nature, and the mind-nature of the Chan school. The experience of emptiness is the key to reveal the Buddha-nature and the pure mind. The prajna wisdom of Mahayana is the ultimate unattached spiritual realm, showing "marvelous existence" from "true emptiness." The function of the boundless wisdom clearly reveals the Buddha wisdom that encompasses all merits. Venerable Master Hsing Yun reminds practitioners that everyone originally possesses wisdom. Through practicing the Dharma in the human world, one brings out the power of awareness in prajna, obtains peace and happiness in both body and mind, and tirelessly completes the practice of a Bodhisattva who benefits self and others in this cyclic mundane world.
