  • 期刊


Influence of Recreational Resources, Tourism Attraction and Tourists' Motivation on Re-visit National freeway service area - A Case Study of Qingshui Service Area


國道服務區漸漸轉型為娛樂的場所,甚至成為觀光景點。當中,清水服務區是最有名的。本研究將分析台中清水服務區的觀光吸引力、遊憩資源、旅遊動機對重遊意願之影響,以提供台灣區國道高速公路局建議。本研究共發放400份問卷,有效問卷400份,回收率100 %。使用迴歸分析及中介效果法分析。本研究發現:一、在旅遊次數上,觀光吸引力、遊憩資源及旅遊動機達顯著差異。二、在與誰同遊項目上旅遊動機及重遊意願達顯著差異。三、在研究四個變數交互影響下可發展出四條不同關係方程式,其中唯有遊憩資源及旅遊動機對重遊意願為完全中介效果,其餘皆部分中介效果。本研究建議:一、增加獨特主題建築物以吸引遊客在觀光吸引力構面上誘因。二、舉辦各類型活動,以增加遊客在旅遊次數構面上誘因。


The national freeway service area is gradually transformed into entertainment, leisure shopping, or even become a tourist attraction. Among them, Qingshui Service Area is the most famous. This study analyzes the tourism attraction, recreation resources, and tourism motivation of Qingshui Service Area, and provide advice for the Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau. There is a total of 400 valid questionnaires. This research is using regression analysis and mediation effect analysis (B-K Method). The study found that: First, there are significant differences in tourism attraction, recreation resources, and tourism motivations in the number of tourism. Second, there is a significant difference in travel motive and willingness to travel with other people. Thirdly, in the study of four variables under the influence of interaction, can develop four different relations of the equation, of which only recreational resources and tourism motivation for re-travel will be fully mediated effect, the rest are part of the intermediary effect. This study suggests a. Increase the number of unique theme buildings, such as the United States captain modeling restaurant and special meals in order to attract college students in the tourism attraction facet incentives. Second, organize various types of theme activities, such as the activities of the stomach to increase the number of tourists in the tourist attractions. Third, to allow visitors to visit the public service area must be by tourism attraction and tourism motivation, cannot alone through the recreational resources and cannot directly use to improve the recreational resources facilities, to achieve re-visit wishes.


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