  • 期刊


國際海底電纜的私人管理-「混亂」的海洋秩序究竟如何維護呢?-|Private Governance of International Submarine Cables: How is the Order of the "Congested" Sea Maintained?




在COVID-19持續肆虐全球之際,國際政治與全球經濟的進展仍不間斷。支持政經發展的背後力量,是鋪設在海底光纖電纜網,當前洲際間通訊有99%是透過海底電纜傳輸。究竟國際海底電纜在這25年的運作期間,是如何巧妙避開可能與其他海洋使用者之間的衝突呢?自19世紀後半起,全球開始利用海底電纜傳輸訊息,為此締結電纜保護條約,並由公海條約(1958)、聯合國海洋法條約(1982)繼承條約內容。但僅只如此,仍無法減少實際上執行的障礙,為制定因應對策,海底電纜設置維修等相關企業,共同成立國際電纜保護委員會(ICPC),分享與漁業從業人員.港灣管理單位之間訊息暢通的方式,以及在彼此鋪設海底電纜之際可參考的最佳方案等。而與海底電纜鋪設、維修與營運等相關人士,也確實遵守ICPC的勸告,ICPC目前也與跨政府組織國際海底管理局協調中。由該非政府組織主導維護海底電纜秩序,應可謂無政府治理的良好事例。|During the COVID-19 pandemic, international politics and the global economy have continued without interruption, silently supported by networks of submarine cables. It is estimated that over 99% of international telecommunications are carried by these cables. However, how do stakeholders of submarine cables avoid conflict? States created a treaty to protect international submarine cables in 1884, the important clauses of which were adopted by the 1958 Convention on the High Seas and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). However, these measures failed to comprehensively eliminate harm by fishery and anchoring, thus leading to the establishment of the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC). The ICPC is an NGO that recommends industry best practices, including how cable owners make fishermen and port authorities aware of submarine cables and how to avoid over-congestion that impedes cable repair. These ICPC recommendations are well observed and ICPC is now expanding its activities in concert with other emerging sea users. This research argues that the maintenance of maritime cables by the ICPC is a successful example of effective private governance of global issues.
