  • 期刊


RCEP對中日韓經濟整合之影響與效益評估|The Implications of the RCEP on the Economic Integration between China, Japan and Korea and Its Expected Benefits




RCEP的15國成員在2020年11月15日以視訊方式完成協定之簽署,未來生效後將首次開啟東北亞與東南亞兩個次區域間經濟整合,更將啟動中、日、韓三國間貨品貿易與服務貿易自由化,促使三國邁向經濟整合新階段。中、日、韓三國自2012年即開始推動三國FTA,然進展遲緩,也多次因政治因素導致談判陷入僵局,自2019年底更因中日關係、日韓關係、新冠疫情等因素停擺至今。近年來三國對RCEP談判改採積極立場,預計RCEP可能在2022年初生效,三國除了將因相互降低關稅、市場開放而加深三國間自由化外,也將受惠於關務程序與貿易便捷化、智慧產權保護、電子商務、爭端解決機制等領域。在此同時,雖三國領袖亦宣示將盡快簽署超越RCEP的中日韓FTA,但短期間將不易有重大進展。|The 15 RCEP Members signed the trade agreement on November 15, 2020, marking the world's largest trade pack amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time, RCEP will integrate the Northeast and Southeast Asian economy while realizing services and investment liberalization among China, Japan and South Korea. Although the CJKFTA negotiation was launched in 2012 by China, Japan and South Korea, the progress has stagnated due to the impacts of the geopolitical environment, bilateral relations and the COVID-19 pandemic. As of early 2022, the RCEP is expected to come into force. The three countries listed above will benefit from tariff reduction, trade and services liberalization, regulatory improvements in customs procedures and trade facilitation, e-commerce, intellectual property protection, and access to the dispute settlement mechanism, to name a few. Whilst the leaders of China, Japan and South Korea also emphasized their commitments towards finalizing the CJKFTA agreement, which supersedes the RCEP, it is not likely to reach significant progress in the near future.
