  • 期刊


中國在烏克蘭戰爭中的立場變化與日中關係|China's Move in the War in Ukraine, and Japan-China Relations During this Time




面對烏克蘭戰爭,中國因顧慮到2022年秋季舉行的全國黨代表大會,認為應將對內影響控制在最小程度範圍,並不否定既定的內外政策,也仔細確認中俄關係、中美關係,以及其他新興國家、開發中國家等態度再進行因應。但是,美國等先進國家,面對中國一方面保持與俄羅斯的交流,一方面也有意維持一定距離的作法,遂將中俄一併視為「用武力改變現狀」的陣營。而這樣的局勢也對東亞地區造成莫大的影響。日本憂心,俄羅斯若是贏得烏克蘭戰爭,也會對東亞造成「以武力改變現狀」的可能性。此外,日本也判斷若不在烏克蘭戰爭強化介入力道的話,一旦東亞發生「重大緊急事態」,恐無法獲得來自歐美先進國家的支持,因此在對俄羅斯的經濟制裁等方面,日本相當重視與先進國家採取一致態度。然而這樣的政策,將提高東亞區域裡,中、俄與日本的緊張關係。為了將來東亞地區的穩定,必須制定並實行一套可因應後疫情時代、後烏克蘭戰爭局勢中的區域構想。|This article explores the main factors of China in decision making on foreign policy towards the Ukraine war in 2022, and their influences on Sino-Japanese relations. Four factors are pointed out: Domestic policy, Russo-Chinese relations, US-China relations, and China's policy for developing and emerging countries based on its concept of new international relations. These four factors limit the options of China during the Ukraine war, and eventually China adopts a more complex and incomprehensible policy. This means that China's stance is different from Russia, though advanced countries including Japan, recognizes the fact that China supports Russia, as well as both China and Russia pursue their national interests and change status-quo by force. Additionally, this article shares how the Ukraine war influences the international circumstances of East Asia. Russia stopped the negotiation of Russo-Japanese peace treaty and energy project of Sakhalin II., as well as Russia and China engage in joint military activities around Japan. Furthermore, during the Ukraine war, China's military pressure toward Taiwan is getting more tense, with Japanese politicians and the society paying strong attention on the Taiwan Strait. China also recognizes the Tsai administration as the "enemy" to pursue independence, while both the US and Japan support this matter. The tension of Sino-Japanese relations have also been increased during the war, but this bilateral relation has strong economic supply chains that is expected to be motivation to improve the such relations.
