  • 期刊


台灣東部舊日本移民村的社群形成過程-「空間」與「道地性」-|The Process of Building a Community after World War II at Old Japanese Immigrant Village in Eastern Taiwan: "Space" and "Authenticity"




本文以戰前曾是日本移民村的臺東縣鹿野鄉龍田村為研究案例,透過回溯龍田村「空間」的歷史,觀察人們如何為「空間」賦予意義,並逐漸支配「空間」,試圖揭開在地社會中的社群形成過程。本文關注的是,各個社群為了在現實空間,又具備充滿象徵意義的「空間」中生存,是如何闡述其「道地性(authenticity)」主張,作為支配「空間」的邏輯基礎。此外,本文也著眼於,「道地性」是如何透過「具備象徵性價值」的建築物為媒介而表象化,而這些建築物作為「空間」受到支配的證據,具備將權力之所在轉化為具體可見的特徵。本文以代表社群象徵的建築物作為指標,藉由龍田村的案例,呈現分析社群形成過程的理論性框架的可行性,與社群形成的機制。|This research aims to illustrate the process of building a community in a local society: how residents give meanings to the "space," which includes real space and represented space, and attempts to take hold of the "space" by tracing the history of Longtian Village in Luye Township of Taitung County, in which it was a Japanese Immigrant Village until the end of World War II. Every community asserts "authenticity," which is the logic to command "space" so that they are able to live in said "space", and "authenticity" is represented by the symbolic architecture which visualizes their power as the proof of their commanding of the "space". This research shows the validity of this theoretical framework that is used to analyze the process of building a community as an indicator and its mechanism with a case study of Longtian Village.
