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Research on Urban Village Renovation Strategies in Response to Public Health Emergencies


At the beginning of the new year of 2020, the new crown pneumonia hit, which has brought a huge impact on people all over the world. Urban villages are a legacy of the rapid development of cities in my country. There are many problems such as low quality of living environment, high population density, complex personnel background, harsh living environment, and chaotic road traffic, making them a concentrated outbreak area of new coronary pneumonia. It has a huge impact on people's lives and urban development. The article proposes that urban villages should be planned and transformed from the three aspects of prevention, control and treatment when dealing with similar public health emergencies, which can not only effectively respond to public health emergencies, but also improve the living environment in urban villages and optimize their environment. Internal structure, in order to ensure the health and safety of residents in urban villages and reduce the susceptibility of public health emergencies, thereby promoting the positive development of healthy community construction in urban villages.


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