

This paper will assess twenty innovations initiated by the mayors and regents in twenty different cities and regencies in East Java, Indonesia. Using secondary data from the Java Pos Institute of Autonomy [Jawa Pos Institute of Pro-Otonomi] (JPIP), these twenty policies are categorized into three groups: fading, steady and blooming. Two are categorized as fading; eight are categorized as steady; and ten are categorized as blooming. This study finds that leaders' characteristics as public servants are primary drivers of successful innovation, which is also importantly influenced by intermediary actors, budgets, and media coverage. So long as policy is resilient and embedded in long-term plans, leadership transition does not affect policy sustainability, which is also buttressed by interest from a public that feels its benefits and encourages its maintenance. We thus posit that, to sustain policy, public response is critical, as a lack of public interest can be a primary driver of program termination.


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