  • 期刊


An Analysis of Cultural Heritage Preservation and Restoration as Continuing Education in Taiwan




The philosophy of preservation and restoration of cultural assets in Taiwan continues to improve. Its development is influenced by existing international standards and government advocacy. In recent years, this philosophy has become a medium through which the public to approach culture and implement cultural education. Cultural heritage preservation and restoration is a unique professional subject. Conservators have professional knowledge and practical experience in cultural heritage preservation and restoration, and they contribute to its promotion and related education in local communities. The aim of cultural heritage conservation today is not only to preserve tangible cultural heritage but, when combined with cultural experience activities, also to achieve cultural sustainability. This article first looks at current public and private conservation provision in Taiwan, and then uses cultural preservation promotional activities carried out by private conservation teams as examples to explore the future development of conservation in Taiwan. The study has found that the private conservation team executed extension education activities combing conservation acknowledgment and experiences as well as covering natural and humanities area, which not only well-cooperated with current curricula in junior and elementary schools, but also possessed practical experiences and flexibility. However, it might still be insufficient for the aspect of sustainable management. Development of resources connection platform, implement of adaptive education, as well as access right to the culture are the suggestions for further research.


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