  • 期刊


Reflections on the Development of Classification System of Antiquities in Taiwan (Part II)




Concerning the classification of antiquities in terms of state-owned object, every museums faces the challenges arising from a large quantity of artefacts to deal with, a variety of categories to clarify, numerous difficulties in judging their value and in assigning original context to objects. In addition, the museums lack clear ideas of how to refer their own collections classification systems to the criteria of cultural heritage value standards. Moreover, according to The Regulations Governing the Review of Classification, Designation and Revocation of Antiquities, objects preliminarily classified in the category of "general state-owned antiquities" shall submit to local competent authorities for further review. However, this process may cause a huge workload that the cities/counties responsible are not likely to bear. Also, with regards to antiquities belonging to state-owned enterprises, if the first-level administration did not propose a unified standard for preliminary classification, but rather left decision-making to the individual judgment of lower level of authorities such as sections or bureaus, it may cause problems with inconsistency such as different judgments on the same ancient object. Further, if these second- or third levels of administration conduct the preliminary classification on their own and are responsible for building up classification records for review by superiors, this certainly will bring an additional burden on those who do not have staff specialized in the study of antiquities and consequently they may feel discouraged and question how to implement the work. Such difficult situations can only be resolved by, on the one hand, creating a counseling mechanism established by the central competent authority to assist with the classification, and on the other hand, all administration units shall evaluate the antiquities in their ownership that may have cultural value, instead of regarding them from the perspective of property. Further, the central competent authority shall grant a certain proportion of funding to help each administrative unit to carry out classification work. Regarding the current antiquities classification system, this article cites the ambiguous classification standards, the enthusiasm for the number of antiquities KPIs and the designation of antiquities which shall include evaluating their "authenticity", taking into account cultural citizenship and cultural assets professionalism, ensuring professional members in the antiquities review committee and reconsidering a discussion on denomination of general antiquities. The classification of antiquities is only an estimate of their cultural reserves, and these reserves can only be seen through the flow of circulation. In other words, the classification of antiquities is not the goal in itself, but rather it is to improve quality of life and promote the spiritual life of the community via its cultural resources.


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