  • 學位論文


A Study on Factors Influencing Budget Distribution of Flood Treatment Plan of Flood Vulnerable Area in Taiwan: Analysis for Phase 1 Implementation Plan

指導教授 : 陳明通


分配政策研究探討政府政策利益的分配過程與結果,認為現仼民意代表在連仼動機的驅使下,會在仼期內利用各種機會要求行政機關將政策利益分配在其所屬的選區,而行政機關為了預算的安全與成長,也會盡可能地配合。台灣的選舉次數頻繁,民意機關與行政機關之互動情形是否如同分配政策研究所言,值得觀察。有鑑於台灣在分配政策的實證性研究尚有不足之處,本研究以「易淹水地區水患治理計畫第1階段實施計畫」為分析對象,就計畫中經濟部所執行經費在各縣市的分配結果,採量化研究方式,探討可能影響計畫政策利益分配之因素。 經由資料分析結果顯示,本研究有四項發現如下: 一、影響各縣市獲配政策利益之因素會因政策利益的定義不同而有所差異。 二、各縣市獲配政策利益之多寡主要取決於縣市對於水患治理的需求程度,客觀需求因素在政策利益的分配過程中有相當的重要性。 三、縣市所屬立法委員是否係與經濟部預算及業務相關之立法院常設委員會委員或召集委員,與各縣市獲配之政策利益多寡有關。 四、立法委員所屬選區的選舉競爭程度、立法委員於立法院質詢時關切選區計畫情形及立法院與經濟部預算、業務相關之委員會考察情形等因素,對政策利益分配之因果關係具有調節效果。


The distributive theory explores the distributing process as well as result of policy benefits and asserts that, driven by the motive of winning the next election, legislators will ask administrative counterparts for policy benefits to be allocated to their electoral district by all possible means in their curret service term. And in order to solicitate the budget growth and final approval, inbumbent administration will in most cases agree to legislators’ demand. Given the high frequency of election in Taiwan, the aforementioned issue is worth to disscuss to see whether distributive theory could explain the interaction between legislators and administration. To empirically testing the distribution theory, this study examines the factors influencing policy benefits distribution by investigating the county as well as city level grants allocation of phase1 implementation plan of flood treatment plan of flood vulerable area in Taiwan. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. The factors influencing policy benefits distribution at county and city level changes as the definition of policy benefits varies. 2. Objective measures of demand factors, such as demand and urgency for flood treatment play a pivotal role in the process of policy benefits distribution. 3. Whether a legislator has the identity of being a member or chair in committee related to the budget and affairs in Ministry of Economic Affairs has effects on policy benefits distribution. 4. Competition level in legislators’ electoral district, the frequency of legislators’ interrogation, and the frequency of committee’s inspection to review the budget and implementation moderate the causal relationship of policy benefit distribution.




