  • 學位論文


Development Strategy for Multi-objective Use Power Substation

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


台電公司為強化電力系統供應及品質,自民國90年~98年間執行第六輸變電工程計畫,其中變電所工程推動至今因土地取得不易,或民眾對電磁場之疑慮而抗爭,導致進度嚴重受阻,又以都會地區情況最為嚴重,為因應都會地區興建變電所之困難及國營事業之土地更有效之利用,台電公司目前已漸將都會區內適當之個案,以朝向變電所多用途使用之複合共構方式辦理。 本研究透過探討目前公有土地以公私協力模式辦理土地開發之特性與優劣點,從而選出國內現行較常用之六種公私協力土地開發方式,租賃、設定地上權、BOT、合作開發、委託開發、土地信託等模式,分別就其開發特性進行分析比較、評估,然後針對變電所多目標使用用途之特性,列出較有利於台電公司之開發利用模式,並對政策與行政程序作探討分析,以提出結論與建議。 本研究發現,現階段變電所多目標開發,除內部使用自行開發外,台電大致上僅採用設定地上權之方式辦理,但民眾抗爭問題致變電所建設先天條件即已不足,未來辦理招商時,恐無法吸引民間參與。而對變電所多目標開發用途而言,大型及複合性商場,採用促參法BOT模式,應較為有利;經比對促參法及其他所屬機關頒布之允許經營附屬事業之項目眾多且多元化,有關變電所多目標使用部分過於限縮,造成目前變電所多目標使用,採取促參法推動之開發方式受到阻礙,尚有待經濟部及台電積極修正改進,且現階段多目標開發案,仍偏重財務評估,並未有足夠之公益性回饋措施,對變電所之推動沒有明顯之助益;建議如下: 為了提高民間參與之誘因,建議台電除變電所部份外,仍可規劃部份具公益性之設施(展場、社區活動空間),以OT之方式由台電籌資興建,其餘多目標部分則可結合較具商機之附屬事業,以設定地上權方式,提高自償率及民間之經營意願。 台電公司應積極爭取修法,使變電所多目標開發案適用促參法,以增加開發效益及彈性,並將變電所地下化,其部分多目標樓層可作為公益回饋性開放空間,以向當地政府爭取類似現行”都市更新容積獎勵,給予容積獎勵措施,可藉此達成變電所多目標開發與其它商業開發之差異,增加商業開發利益及賣點,也較符合公共設施服務及永續長期經營之最大目的。


Taiwan Power Company (TPC) has carried out the Sixth Power Transmission Project Implementation Plan from 2001 to 2009. However, due to the difficulty of obtaining land and protests from public relating to health concerns surrounding electromagnetic field, the progress has suffered across the whole plan, especially in the metropolitan area. Therefore, TPC has gradually transformed each substation project within the urban area to Multi-objective use. This research is in the public sector under public-private partnership model and its advantages and disadvantages. Six commonly used methods in this model are as follows: Leasing, Superficies Right、BOT、Cooperative Development、Trust Development and Land Trust. Then, it suggests a better system for land development in TPC. The study discovers that at present, “Superficies Right” is the preferred method in TPC for development of Multi- objective use substation projects. However, it may not provide sufficient attraction for more private participation during the stage to obtain further investment. Therefore, in terms of development of Multi- objective use projects with combination of large shopping mall, BOT method should be more favorable under Participation Act. In addition, the emphasis of development of these projects still falls upon Financial Assessment rather than a solution for public protests. Hence, there are several suggestions as follows: It can combine public welfare facilities (i.e. exhibition or community activity hall… etc.) in addition to substation itself. By using OT method, TPC is in charge of raising fund for construction. Regarding the remaining section, it can integrate with other more profitable business to increase Reimbursement and desire for private participation by using “Superficies Right” method. TPC should make the effort for amendment of Participation Act to allow for more efficiency and flexibility of development. Therefore, it can reflect the difference between substation projects and other commercial development as well as increase profit and selling points. It should also be able to reach its ultimate goal which is to provide better services to public and sustainable business.


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