  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the college students’ views to the Cross-strait exchanges after Sunflower Students Movement

指導教授 : 周繼祥


太陽花學運對兩岸交流發展之影響,在歷經一年後的今天仍無法脫離困境,由於兩岸協議監督條例遲未審議通過,也連帶後續實質交流亦毫無進展;僅對台灣明顯有利之參與亞投行議題稍有進展.大陸方面對太陽花學運造成兩岸交流困頓局面的反應是低調而盡力扶持,相關因應政策對外均為宣示性口語表達,內部探討對策鮮見於文獻期刊.台灣於學運後之於兩岸經貿.文教交流仍舊維持原先規模,惟政治交流亦因年輕世代於2014 年九合一大選關鍵影響大選結果,導致停擺.本研究即探討年輕世代,尤其是常居學運領導的台灣大學學生,給予問卷調查及開放式問卷填答,再予SPSS 統計軟體交叉分析,以不同家庭背景.不同族群.不同居住地,不同科系之台大學生針對政治社會化政治參與.政治信任與兩岸交流發展題目交叉分析;另專程在太陽花學運週年學術研討會在台大霖澤館召開時,隨機抽樣當場施做問卷調查實際參與學運之人士對兩岸交流發展看法分析;上述調查大學生之意見,多數抗議反服貿黑箱因素,多數學生堅持公義訴求,多數亦不反對兩岸繼續經貿交流.但須有效監督並透明化;太陽花學運實際參與者調查對象多為社會人士,反中比例高,以公義理念為重更多,半數不贊成兩岸續簽任何協議.目前台灣年輕公民意識高漲,牽動兩岸政局,尤其台灣在可預見未來,勢必要尊重年輕公民之公義理念,兩岸交流發展進程端視大陸尊重台灣,在國際上是否打壓台灣為年輕公民是否反對兩岸交流發展的指標.


The influences of the Sunflower Students’ Movement to the Cross-strait Exchange Development, still stuck after year later. Due to The supervision and regulation of cross-strait agreement not reviewed by Legislative Yuan ,substantial exchange of the Cross-Strait not in progress at all. Despite of the apparently advantage to Taiwan such as take part in The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.The response of the Mainland China to the SSM caused dilemma was Low-key and try to fix up,and only oral declaratory about relevant policy response. We seldom to see it from periodical. There still maintain the usual scale about the Cross-Strait Economic and Social Exchanges, except Political communication breakdown for young’s generation affected 2014 election results. This Article focused on Young’s generation, especially NTU students, the leaders of student movement, held the questionnaire and depth interviews. Then use SPSS to cross-analysis the results. We also interviewed the participants of the SSM and made the same method of SPSS cross-analysis with it. The consequences appeared that most students insisted on axiom justice. Not against the Cross-Straits Exchange but demand effective supervision and transparency. Most the participants anti-China and refuse to sign any agreement with China. In the near future, opinions from Young’s generation would be more respected. The progress of The Cross-Strait Exchange Development depends on how respect Taiwan accepted from China, whether China surpass Taiwan in the international affairs or not is the guideline of the Taiwan young’s generation against the Cross-Strait Exchange development.


文社會科學研究中心 p.42-86
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