  • 學位論文


The Study of Pu Songling's Disease Writings

指導教授 : 陳翠英


疾病是人生在世皆會經歷的體驗,如何觀看疾病和面對疾病的態度,和一個人的生命史和心靈史緊密相聯,並與時代賦予人的特殊處境結合,呈現出獨特的樣貌和意蘊。「疾病」是蒲松齡文學創作中的重要主題,本論文題為《蒲松齡之疾病書寫研究》,旨在通過梳理分析蒲松齡之詩、詞、《聊齋誌異》等作品中的疾病書寫,挖掘其豐富深厚之意涵,並以此作為觀察清初底層儒士處境的一扇窗口。 本論文分為五章。第一章〈緒論〉說明論文的研究動機與問題意識,回顧和梳理了前人對於蒲松齡之疾病書寫研究的相關成果,並說明本文的論述架構。第二章〈蒲松齡疾病書寫的背景〉,介紹明清時期的醫學市場與傳統醫療文化,並對蒲松齡醫藥類著作的基本情況進行述評。第三章〈蒲松齡詩詞中的疾病書寫〉,以蒲松齡詩詞作品中的疾病意象為探討對象,從蒲松齡詩詞中的自我之病和他人之病、疾病與貧窮、疾病與生死、疾病與無成幾個方面,分析其疾病書寫所具有的思想和文化內涵。第四章〈《聊齋誌異》中的疾病書寫〉,探討《聊齋誌異》中的疾病意象如何成為道德教化之表現、相思深情之象徵,作為療疾者的人類和異類之醫者又具有怎樣的形象特徵。第五章〈結論〉,則總結本文的研究成果,並提出了未來延伸研究的可能方向。


Disease is a general experience for each individual during his/her lifetime. However, how disease is perceived and faced is inextricably related to the individual’s history of life and spirit, and also associated with the special circumstances that the era has endowed humans with, thus demonstrating unique appearances and implications. “Disease” is a major theme in the literature creations by Pu Songling. Titled The Study of Pu Songling’s Disease Writings, this paper aims to explore the rich implications of Pu Songling’s poetry and Liaozhai Zhiyi, and take this as a window to observe the living circumstances of the intellectuals in the early Qing Dynasty, through sorting and analyzing the writings about diseases in these works. This study consists of five chapters. The first chapter is a brief introduction of the research motivations and problem consciousness of this paper, reviewed the relevant studies that the predecessors have conducted on Pu Songling’s disease writings, and illustrated the discussion framework of this thesis. Chapter two is titled “The Background of Pu Songling’s Disease Writings”, which introduced the medical market and traditional medical culture during the period of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, and commented on the basic situations of the medical works by Pu Songling. Chapter three is “The Disease Writings in Pu Songling’s Poetry”, which took the images of diseases in the poems by Pu Songling as the objects of discussion, and analyzed the thoughts and cultural connotations discovered in his disease writings from the aspects of “the disease of himself and others”, “disease and poverty”, “disease and life death”, and “disease and no accomplishment”. Chapter four is “The Disease Writings in Liaozhai Zhiyi”, which discussed how the images of diseases in the book became the representation of moral education and the symbolization of love-sickness, and what image features the disease-curing human beings and non-human beings doctors have. Chapter five is “Conclusion”, which summarized the research results of the article, and brought up the possible directions of the extension research in the future.


一、 傳統古籍

