  • 學位論文


A Study of the Information Privacy on Mobile Advertising

指導教授 : 陳顯武


目今隨著越來越多的消費大眾持有智慧型手機及行動通訊設備,行動商務也逐漸成為一新型消費形態及商務環境,行動商務可使消費者透過手機方便地進行各項電子交易或商業服務。同樣地,行動商務也造就並提供行動商務廣告之機會及環境,業者利用消費者持有之手機及行動通訊設備,直接將廣告傳遞至消費者之手機或行動通訊設備中。消費者或許會樂於接受行動商務廣告,但亦有可能將之視為一種對生活隱私之干擾。而本文主要在探討,在行動商務廣告之環境中,對消費者隱私及個人資料之保障。 而我國消費者在行動商務廣告環境中所涉及之隱私議題,包括以下重點::一、對個人資訊之蒐集、利用及處理;二、未經邀約之廣告干擾消費者隱私之問題。 本文主要之目的在評估現行《個人資料保護法》及相關法制,就業者透過手機或其他及行動通訊設備而將行動商務廣告投擲於消費者,而對個人資料及隱私之保障是否周延充分等問題提出分析討論。本文亦探討消費者在在面對行動商務廣告行銷之過程中應賦予之公平資訊機制,其中包括消費者在面對業者蒐集、利用及處理消費者個人資料時,應獲得業者充分之告知,且消費者亦應被賦予同意或拒絕之權利;另消費者對是否願意接受行動商務廣告行銷亦應有自決權。本文就現行之《個人資料保護法》及相關法制中有關行動商務廣告中資訊隱私權之保障提出相關建議,並審視在現行科技社會結構下,科技進步對資訊隱私之影響。 最終,行動商務廣告是否能成功發展,實繫於消費者之信任,因此,建構一個使消費者信任之隱私環境為行動商務廣告成功之重要條件,畢竟,消費者之信賴為此一方興未艾之行動商務廣告市場成長及永續發展之關鍵條件。


Mobile commerce is gradually emerging as a new commercial environment in Taiwan, facilitated by the increasing numbers of consumers who have smart phones and other portable wireless electronic communications devices. Mobile commerce will enable consumer to use their mobile phones to conveniently purchase goods and services. Mobile commence is also generating new advertising opportunities for suppliers of new and existing products and services directed at consumers through their mobile phones. Consumers may welcome mobiles advertising or view it as an annoyance. In either case, this thesis contends that consumers and advertisers should be concerned about protecting consumers’ privacy and personal data in this new environment. Two key privacy concerns for Taiwan consumer arising from mobile advertising practices are: 1) the collection, use, and disclosure of consumers’ personally identifying information that accompanies mobile advertising; and 2) the generation of unsolicited mobile advertising. The primary goal of this thesis is to assess the adequacy of existing Taiwan Laws designed to protect consumers’ privacy and personal data with respect to mobile advertising directed at or accessed by consumers through their mobile phones and other wireless communication devices. The thesis argues that consumers are entitled to fair information practices associated with mobile advertising that should include at least the right to receive meaningful notice and to give their informed consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information. It also argues that consumers have the right to choose whether to receive mobile advertisements. The thesis offers insights and recommendations from current personal data protection laws, and assesses the impacts of the advanced techniques on privacy. It is essential to find consumer privacy solutions for mobile advertising in order to build consumer trust, after all, the trust from consumers will enable the newly emerging mobile advertising industry to grow and flourish.


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鄭忻忻(2014)。行動應用程式的個人資料保護── 公開透明原則的強化與本國實證研究〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.00121
