  • 學位論文


Diagnostic Study of Micro-discharge at Atmospheric Pressure and its Applications of Plasma-polymerized Film Deposition.

指導教授 : 徐振哲


本研究包含在常壓下利用直流電源產生的微電漿系統進行診斷以及使用介電質放電系統應用至微小毛細管柱(管內徑為1mm至260μm)內與可撓式管材中進行聚烯丙胺薄膜之沉積與產物檢測。實驗的第一部分在常壓微電漿系統檢測部分主要包含電性檢測及光學檢測。而第二部分為聚烯丙胺薄膜之沉積包含製程的建立與在微小管材中做薄膜定性定量之探討,藉由此兩種不同之研究分別了解常壓下直流電源產生之微電漿系統各項操作參數改變對於放電特性之影響以及介電質放電系統對於管內薄膜沉積之品質與分佈的影響。 第一部分中對於直流電源產生之微電漿放電特性及光學性質診斷發現,在不同的施加電壓下電漿系統會出現三種不同的放電型態,分別在操作電壓低於550V系統為「自我脈衝式放電」之型態;當操作電壓在550至650V時,電漿呈現「過渡狀態放電」以及操作電壓高於650V後則會轉變成「穩定放電」之型態。因此隨著施加電壓上升或系統串聯之鎮流電阻值下降可以觀察到電漿放電特性從自我脈衝放電轉變至穩定型放電;藉由簡易的電路學耦合微分方程式描述放電機制驗證實驗結果。本系統可藉由改變電極間距、操作電壓或鎮流電阻值,調整電漿欲達到之放電型態。從光學性質之診斷中了解系統中所包含之氣體離子與自由基種類,確保操作環境氣氛品質以及電漿生命週期,探討此系統對於高分子薄膜沉積及製程之可能性。 而本實驗的第二部分主要利用介電質放電應用於管內徑1mm以及260μm之毛細管中並且能夠在管內徑為1mm、長1m之可撓式矽膠管中進行聚烯丙胺薄膜沉積。利用介電質放電產生具高反應性的自由基與分子,在低溫穩定操作環境下將常溫常壓下為液態的烯丙胺單體做為反應先驅物,藉由起泡器通以氬氣將反應先驅物送入電漿反應槽中產生反應,並在可撓式管壁中沉積薄膜。經由複式轉換紅外線光譜儀確立常壓微電漿系統有能力在短時間內於內徑為1mm之可撓式矽膠管中將烯丙胺單體發生聚合反應生成聚烯丙胺薄膜,表現出電漿高反應性與此系統應用於生醫材料各領域的前瞻性。 藉由電漿操作條件對薄膜沉積實驗的影響,發現電漿處理時間從10增加至90min對於薄膜表面粗糙度與均勻性會有所改變;且在反應先驅物之高氣體流率50sccm下,此時滯留時間短有助於管內沉積之薄膜軸向分佈的均勻度。並藉由光電子能譜儀測定薄膜之元素組成以及鍵結結構以及電子顯微鏡觀察薄膜表面形態,證明此微電漿系統能夠在可撓式微型管材中做為高分子薄膜沉積的理想技術。


Diagnostic of micro-discharges by a DC power source at atmospheric pressure and applications for plasma-polymerized allylamine film (PPA) onto inner surface of a flexible tubing by dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) are studied. The micro-discharge characteristics are investigated by an oscilloscope and optical emission spectrometer. Process of PPA film by dielectric barrier discharges is established. Micro-plasmas are sustained in the tubing of 1 mm and 260 μm in diameter, respectively. The qualitative/quantitative analyses of PPA film are also predicted in the sub-millimeter tubing by analytic instruments. In dc micro-discharge system, the transition of micro-discharges is observed by modulating applied voltage. Three discharge modes are indentified that are ‘self-pulsing’, ‘transition’ and ‘stable’ discharge, respectively. The micro-discharge behaviors can be described by simple coupled differential equations and approached to experiment results. It is shown that the micro-discharge behaviors are controlled by the inter-electrode gap, applied voltage as well as ballast resistor. The activity species of micro-plasmas in the different feedstock and periodic light emission are monitored to realize chemistry and physical properties of plasmas by optical measurements. The PPA film deposition process by using DBDs is studied. In this process, allylamine is used as a precursor into micro-plasma reactor with a bubbler and PPA film deposition is performed in a high aspect ratio silicone tubing (1 m in long and 1 mm in inner diameter) by DBDs in argon. Chemical characteristics of deposited polymers are studied by ATR-FTIR. It is shown that this micro-plasma technology can be potentially utilized applications for biomaterials and surface coating. The effects of the operating conditions, namely treatment time and gas flow rate, on the roughness and uniformity of PPA film are confirmed. It is shown that PPA film quality and distribution of a 35 cm long silicone tubing in axis direction is controlled by the resident time of precursor in the tubing. The PPA film chemical composition is examined by XPS and the morphology of deposited PPA film is investigated by SEM.


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