  • 學位論文


A study on participants' perceptions toward the rights change and the execution in the urban renewal

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


政府為有計畫的促進土地再開發、改善都市環境、增強都市機能和提昇居住品質,政府已於 1998 年公布都市更新條例,雖然政府積極推動,惟效果一直始終未見彰顯下,政府將運行20年的都市更新條例,參酌都市更新實務,並檢討其中的缺失,於2021年5月28日頒行之都市更新條例,以期有效推動都市更新,以因應台灣加速的高齡社會、生活型態與居住環境的轉變。 從2021年5月28日頒行之都市更新條例、現行相關文獻及資料得知,都市更新成功與否,雖與法令的完備、制度的設計、機制的運行,有著無法分離的關係,但除了都市更新法令、制度設計及運行外,都更程序所有參與者的心理層面、對於都市更新的認知、更新意願的高低及政府協助的力道,均是所有直接參與都市更新者的參與動力,更是都市更新案件成功與否的關鍵。而了解土地、建物所有權人及開發公司等參與者的習慣行為,以及究竟何種認知?何種需求?何種觀念?對於都市更新的推動進行,屬於助力或屬於阻力的因素,均為本研究著重及探討的因子。 本研究認為落實都市更新政策的關鍵因素,在於參與者的認知差異,認知差異將導致都市更新時程延宕。本研究的主要目的: (1). 透過國內外的文獻回顧,結合實際案例分析與專家訪談,彙整影響都市更新的阻礙因子與實際意願。 (2). 透過都市更新所有參與者的調查問卷,分析其在權利變換及都更推動上的認知差異,供未來都更機制參考。 本研究雖於第三章第1節第2項建立本研究的五點假說,但依據回覆的問卷分析,加上專家討論及實證結果顯示,在都市更新合作過程中,都更參與者就法規的自我認知判斷與實際認知狀況相對中肯,惟參與者就法規的實際認知狀況仍有提昇的空間、都市更新中參與者在權利變換的價值上存在不信任外,分回權利或坪數多寡,才是認知差異的關鍵因素,至於年齡、收入狀況、祖上基業及受教育程度,則為參與者獲取最大利益的藉口(阻礙都更之假議題),並非認知差異的關鍵因素。 依據本文綜合問卷分析及實證分析後,得出參與者就法規的實際認知狀況仍有提昇的空間、都市更新中參與者在權利變換的價值上存在不信任、分回權利或坪數多寡,才是認知差異的關鍵因素等結論,並就上述結論提出建議: (1). 應加強權利人都更法規的認知; (2). 建立類似實價登錄的都更估價機制,以消弭權利變換的不信任感; (3). 以「等值交換」的權利變換方式,取代臺灣現行的「等比交換」原則; (4). 政府應制定獨立於共同負擔外,專屬於權利人的都更獎勵機制。 相信上述建議,定會增加權利人都更的意願,促進都市更新的快速發展。


The government has announced that in order to promote land in a planned way, recover and utilize urban functions, improve the urban environment, and improve the quality of life, the government began to actively promote urban renewal in 1998. The government will run 20 years of urban renewal practices and review the missing to enact an amended urban renewal ordinance on May 28, 2021 to effectively promote urban renewal in response to the accelerated transformation of Taiwan's aging society, lifestyle, and living environment. According to the urban renewal regulations issued on May 28, 2021 and relevant literature and materials, the success of urban renewal is closely related to the completeness of laws and regulations, the design of systems, and the operation of mechanisms. However, in addition to the design and operation of urban renewal laws and regulations, the psychological level of all participants, their cognition of urban renewal, their willingness to renew, and the strength of government assistance are all the motivation of all those directly involved in urban renewal, and the key to the success of urban renewal cases. And understand the habits of land, building owners, development companies, and other participants, and what cognition? What kind of demand? What kind of idea? This study focuses on the factors that help or hinder urban renewal. This study argues that the key factor for the implementation of urban renewal policies lies in the cognitive differences of participants, which will lead to the delay of urban renewal. The following are the primary goals of this research: (1) Through literature review at home and abroad, combined with actual case analysis and expert interviews, we summarize the hindering factors and actual intentions affecting urban renewal. (2) Through the questionnaire survey of all participants in urban renewal, the cognitive differences in power changes and the promotion of joint ventures are analyzed for future reference. Although this study established the five-point hypothesis in 3.1.2, according to the questionnaire analysis, expert discussion, and empirical results, participants' self-cognitive judgment on regulations and actual cognitive status are relatively relevant in the process of urban renewal cooperation. But the participants on the state of actual cognitive rules say there is still room for improvement. The participants in the urban renewal say the value of the right to transform distrust points back to the right or how much space is the critical factor in the cognitive differences. As for age, income situation, the ancestral inheritance and level of education, it is an excuse for participants to get maximum benefit (obstacles have more false issues). Based on the comprehensive questionnaire analysis and empirical analysis of this paper, it is concluded that there is still room for improvement in participants' actual cognition of laws and regulations; that there is distrust in the value of power transformation among participants in urban renewal; and that the number of rights or square is the key factor for cognitive difference. Some suggestions are put forward on the above conclusions: (1) In order to be more legal, the right holder's cognition must be strengthened. (2) To eliminate the distrust of right transformation, establish a similar valuation mechanism for real-price login. (3) To replace the current principle of "equal exchange" in Taiwan with that of "equal exchange" of rights; (4) The government should design a reward system that is separate from the common burden and exclusive to the right holder. It is believed that the above suggestions will increase the willingness of the right holders and promote the rapid development of urban renewal.


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2. 謝哲勝,林家祺,許兆慶,邱若曄,許猷進,陳明燦,「都市更新裁判評析(一)」,元照出版,2018年6月。
3. 林家祺,崔夢溪,張志偉,陳立夫,賴軼峰,楊智傑,陳明燦,謝哲勝,「都市更新裁判評析(二)」,元照出版,2021年1月。
4. 蔡志揚,「一次看穿都更×合建契約陷阱:良心律師專業解碼老屋改建眉角」,時報出版,2017年6月。
