  • 學位論文


Consumer’s Right to Terminate for Convenience in a Continuing Consumer Relationship

指導教授 : 詹森林


近年來繼續性消費盛行,常發生消費者於締約一段時間後欲終止契約之情形,因而引發許多消費糾紛,本論文即研究繼續性消費關係中消費者任意終止權之問題。 本文自繼續性消費關係之類型出發,研究商品或服務給付之履行在時間上有繼續性者,並就固有的繼續性契約、繼續性供給契約、分次履行契約及基本架構契約研究其要件之特徵,和其與終止權適用上之關聯。其次研究我國契約終止權之現況,整理民法和消費者保護法中關於消費者終止權之規定,和學說及實務對於終止權發展出之一般原理原則,除中央主管機關對於部分行業公告之定型化契約應記載事項允許消費者任意終止外,在企業經營者無債務不履行情形下,一般認為定期繼續性契約及分次履行契約之消費者不得任意終止契約。接者本文進行比較法上研究,發現德國民法中定有消費者不附理由撤回權、日本法於特定商交易法中規定繼續性服務提供契約之消費者享有中途解消權、英國法及中國法透過判決方式保護消費者免於長期契約之拘束、南非法則係於消費者保護法案中規定定期契約之消費者得隨時終止契約,可知各國除一般終止權之規定外,尚有對於繼續性消費關係之消費者特別保護的部分。 因此本文研究消費者片面毀約權之法理基礎,並歸納出繼續性消費關係含有長期之拘束力、消費金額較高、資訊落差、情事變化可能性較高、單向風險性、商品與服務之客觀評價品質困難性和回覆原狀困難性、消費者自主選擇權遭限制等特色,考量企業經營者與消費者在經濟及資訊地位上之差異,本文認為該些特色所伴隨之風險應由具風險承擔與迴避能力之企業經營者承擔,故應將契約嚴守原則予以彈性化,賦予消費者任意終止權,俾追求實質的契約正義,始能充分保障消費者之權益,同時可賦予企業經營者因契約終止而生之損害賠償請求權,以適度調和企業經營者與消費者間之權益。於是,本文探尋消費者於現行法中得主張之法律依據,使消費者在現行法下可能得任意終止契約,最後本文亦嘗試提出立法芻議,期盼立法者能於消費者保護法中明確立法,確立並保障繼續性消費關係中消費者之任意終止權。


Continuing consumption has been popular in recent years, and in certain situations, consumers are inclined to terminate the contracts before they expire, which causes a lot of consumer disputes. This thesis explores consumer’s right to terminate for convenience in a consumer relationship. This thesis firstly identifies the various types of consumer relationships, including traditional contracts for continuing supply of services and goods, as well as contracts for services and goods provided in installments. In addition, it discusses the elements and features of the continuing consumer relationships. Secondly, this thesis studies on the current situation of the right of termination in Taiwan, sorts out our laws and regulations concerning consumer’s right to terminate, and explores the principles about termination developed by theory and practice. In Taiwan, a consumer cannot terminate a fixed-term contract or an installment contract without the commercial supplier’s default, except for the type of contracts regulated under ‘’mandatory or prohibitory provisions of standard contracts’’ mandated by the government authorities. Thirdly, this thesis does a comparative law study on the right of termination in different jurisdictions. The German law, Japanese law, English law, Chinese law and South African law provide consumers a special right to terminate a continuing consumer relationship so as to offer a higher level of protection. Therefore, this thesis explores the legal basis of consumer’s right to terminate, and generalizes the features of a continuing consumer relationship. Considering the information asymmetry as well as the inequality of bargaining power between consumers and commercial suppliers, this thesis offers some recommendation to tackle this issue. First of all, the risks arising from the continuing consumer relationship should be borne by commercial suppliers, who have the ability to take and avoid the risks. In addition, to pursue the justice of contract, this thesis suggests that the ‘’pacta sunt servanda principle’’ should be interpreted with flexibility. As such, we should allow consumers to terminate the contracts for convenience. However, to balance the interests of consumers and commercial suppliers, we should allow commercial suppliers to demand damages for the losses incurred due to early termination. This thesis bases its analysis on the existing laws and regulations from which we may develop a right for consumers to unconditionally terminate the continuing contracts. Lastly, this thesis also provides comments on the current Consumer Protection Act, recommending an amendment to grand consumers a right to terminate for convenience in a continuing consumer relationship.




