  • 學位論文

基地政治中的「補償型」政治分析 -以沖繩普天間美軍基地搬遷問題為例-

“Compensation Politics” as a vehicle for dispute resolution in Base Politics -U.S Futenma Military Base Relocation case study-

指導教授 : 陳明通


本研究以普天間美軍基地到邊野古搬遷為案例,討論Kent E. Calder提倡的基地政治中的補償型政治範式,有多大程度適用於沖繩的基地政治。 本論文主要由四個部分組成:一、駐沖繩美軍基地的歷史與現狀;二、普天間美軍基地問題的發展過程;三、對駐沖繩美軍基地相關民意之分析;四、在邊野古的深度訪談調查與其結果及分析。 Calder所提倡的補償型政治,是在於民主主義體制之下,政府對負擔美軍基地的居民進行經濟上的「補償」,以確保穩定的基地政治。然而近幾年,雖然對美軍基地的反對運動使日本政府增加對沖繩經濟上的補償,但是許多學者以及媒體表示沖繩的政治現狀並非穩定發展。 但是從筆者所進行的邊野古基地政治田野調查發現,邊野古對美軍基地的看法,包含對新基地的接受度,有著相當現實的考量。本研究發現,在普天間搬遷問題的發展過程中,日本政府對邊野古的「補償」方式越直接,越能獲得利益。邊野古對這種日本政府的「補償」,有相當大的反應。研究結果發現,沖繩的基地政治中,補償型政治仍然是有效的政策。換言之,補償型政治仍適用在沖繩的基地政治。 但是在探討沖繩補償型政治的同時,也必須考量邊野古的特殊性。邊野古和其他沖繩的美軍基地,有幾點顯著的不同處:首先在美軍基地建設成立過程中,沒有與美軍發生衝突,一直到現在仍維持相當友好的關係;其次,其地域背景以及隨著美軍基地的建構而發展的歷史,這些因素對於距離都市偏遠,並且除了美軍基地以外少有其他發展空間的邊野古,相當有吸引力。 雖然從筆者的研究可以了解Calder所提倡的基地政治中,補償型政治範式在沖繩仍然有效,不過筆者同時也要強調,「補償」並不能解釋一切,同時也要考慮其包含歷史因素的成立背景。


This thesis concerns the relocation of the U.S Futenma Military Base (U.S Marine Corps Air Station at Futenma) to Henoko as a case study, and discusses how far the compensation politics, which Kent E. Calder proposed, can apply to minimize the base politics (base related disputes) in Okinawa. This thesis consists of four parts: First, the history and current situation of the U.S military base in Okinawa; Second, history of the Futenma U.S Base relocation issue; Third, analyzing the referendum and public opinion surveys of Okinawa residents regarding the relocation of the Futenma U.S military base; and last, analyzing field work results at Henoko. Compensation Politics, proposed by Calder, state that in Okinawa, if the central government gives “Compensation” to residents of the area where the U.S military base is located, the base politics will be kept at a minimum. Nevertheless, many scholars and members of the media claim, that this policy has proven to be ineffective in dissipating the opposition movement, despite increased compensation to Okinawa residents However, according to interviews with Henoko residents, the residents are well informed about the U.S military base and the proposed relocation. Furthermore, this field surveys found out that concerning the relocation issue, “Compensation” for Henoko by Japanese central government became more direct and easier to profit. Henoko residents gave a very positive response to such Japanese government “compensation”. Therefore, this thesis found out that such compensation in Okinawa still work. In other words, compensation politics still work in the Okinawa’s base politics. However, the research must note that the Henoko area is somewhat unique. When the U.S military base was built at Henoko, certain things were different compared to other parts of Okinawa. First of all, Henoko did not have much conflict with The US Military and has maintained a good relationship. In addition, there are three elements that we cannot neglect about the background of Henoko: First, Henoko's history after World War II and how the presence of the U.S Military base allowed it to flourish; second, how rural it is; lastly, the U.S military base is one of the biggest economic powerhouses for the region. Therefore, these conditions make the presence of the base a major asset for Henoko. From these, we can conclude that compensation politics as a way to manage base disputes which Calder proposed, are still working in Okinawa. However, we need to stress that these compensation policies cannot explain everything, at the same time we need to understand Okinawa’s background and consider historical aspects.


Alexander Cooley. 2008. Base Politics: Democratic Change and the U.S. Military Overseas. New York: Cornell University Press.
Bert Edstrom. 1999. Japan's Evolving Foreign Policy Doctrine, New York: Sr. Martin's Press.


