  • 學位論文

Evaluation of Wheelchair Pathway Serviceability in Taiwan

Evaluation of Wheelchair Pathway Serviceability in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周家蓓


為了對人行道的質量進行分類和測量,輪椅平坦度指標(WPRI)是一種允許縱向測量行人道平坦度的工具 ; 並將道路的平坦度劃分從“非常好”到 “無法通過”,該指數表示輪椅在穿過特定道路段時行走的垂直偏差。 WPRI 指數所訂立的標準輪椅腳輪尺寸為 70毫米 ;另外,收集到的數據應乎合0.5mm至 2mm的數據點間隔範圍。然後,使用開發人員提供的 Matlab 程式計算測量結果,其運算獲得的輸出單位為 mm / m 或 in / ft。本次調查所提供的標準輪椅腳輪尺寸範圍從150mm 到 180mm 不等,因此本研究的目的是評估所提供的 Matlab 程式,並考慮不同的標準腳輪尺寸和不同的測量設備,測試 WPRI 分類的靈敏度和結果,以驗證代碼是否可用於不同的領域。重新評估具有不同數據輸入範圍和不同腳輪尺寸的 WPRI Matlab 程式,將提供有關此程式如何工作以及如何完成人行道分段分類的更廣泛的理解。此外,加入 ARI 和主觀評分方法用於比較途徑評估條件,以找出不同方法與 WPRI 之間的相關性。提供衡量人行道質量的工具,台灣可以開發出良好的人行道基礎設施,以減少輪椅使用者通過這些通道時產生的危害。


To classify and measure the quality of a sidewalk, the Wheelchair Roughness Pathway Index(WPRI) is a tool that allows the longitudinal measurement of the roughness of a pedestrian profile trail; classifying it from Very good to Impassable pathways, this index represents the vertical deviation of the caster of the wheelchair traveling through a specific segment. The WPRI index considers the standard wheelchair caster size of 70mm; and the measurement is computed using a Matlab code provided by the developers. In addition, the collected data should have a data point interval range of 0.5mm to 2mm. The output units obtained using Matlab are in mm/m or in/ft. The standard wheelchair caster size provided by the survey done for this research ranges from 150mm to 180mm, therefore the aim of this research is to evaluate the provided Matlab code; testing the sensibility and the results of the WPRI classifications to verify if the code can be used in different areas, considering the different standard casters sizes and different measurement devices. Reevaluating the WPRI Matlab code with different data input ranges and different caster sizes, will provide a broader understanding on how this code works and how the classification of sidewalk segments is done. In addition, the ARI and the subjective rating methods are used for comparison for pathway assessment condition to find the correlation between the different methods and the WPRI. Providing a tool to measure the quality of a sidewalk, Taiwan can develop a good sidewalk infrastructure that will decrease the hazards generated on the wheelchair users when they commute through these pathways.


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