  • 學位論文


Security of Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution

指導教授 : 管希聖


本篇論文主要討論差分相移 (DPS) 協定,它主要是為相干態設計的,被認為可以抵禦光子數分裂攻擊。從對量子密鑰分發領域所需先備知識的簡要介紹開始,我們回顧了基於 Shor-Preskill 方法的單光子 DPS 安全性證明和基於互補方法的相干態 DPS 安全性,並給出基於包含有單光子、參數下變換以及相干態下的 DPS 密鑰產生速率。最後, 我給出了一個簡短的結論和 DPS 衍生的後續發展。


In this thesis I discuss one of the quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols, the differential phase shift (DPS) protocol, which is designed mainly for the weak coherent state source, and is considered secure under photon number splitting attack. Starting from a brief introduction to the elements needed in the field of QKD, we reviewed the proof of single photon DPS based on Shor-Preskill approach and coherent state DPS based on complementarity approach. Then key rates for DPS QKD with various sources including single photon, parametric down-conversion and coherent state are calculated. Finally, a short conclusion is given and further development is proposed.


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