  • 學位論文


The Epitaxial Growth and Optoelectronic Properties of In(Ga)As Quantum Dot/ Ring Infrared Photodetectors

指導教授 : 李嗣涔




The Growth mechanism of the In(Ga)As quantum dots (QDs) and rings (QRs) are investigated by the atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and photoluminescence (PL). Different growth conditions are studied to obtain homogenous QDs and QRs. The uniformity is important especially for quantum dot (QDIPs) and quantum ring infrared photodetectors (QRIPs). For infrared photodetectors, two-color or multi-color, high temperature operation and long wavelength (Terahertz) detection must be achieved to have high performance in responsivity and detectivity. In order to achieve the goals, the surface plasmon combined with QDIP, NH3 plasma treatment passivation, the well in quantum dot stack (WD) structure and QR structures are adopted. The two-color QDIPs are fabricated successfully by the use of top metal contact perforated with the cross metal hole arrays. The periodic contact metal hole arrays play double roles, i.e., the top contact and the optical filter. Patterning with lattice constants a = 1.6 μm and a= 2.8 μm, the 4-6 μm and 8-12 μm wavelength ranges can be detected. Its detectivity can be increased up to 1.85 × 1011 cmHz1/2/W at 20 K and the background limited temperature (BLIP) is between 60-70 K. It can be applied to fabricate the focal plane array (FPA) To achieve high-temperature operation, the performance of AlGaAs/GaAs QWIP and InAs/GaAs QDIP with and without NH3 plasma treatment are investigated. It is demonstrated that the NH3 plasma treatment not only gets rid of the oxide defects such as Ga2O3, As2O3 and As2O5, but also prevents the formation of oxides on the GaAs surface when exposed to atmosphere for one month. It lowers the dark current of QWIP and QDIP. The peak responsivity of the QWIPs without NH3 plasma treatment is 0.48 A/W, and the detectivity is 3.13 × 109 cm-Hz1/2/ W at 1.5 V, and 60 K. However, the QWIP after the 10 minute NH3 plasma treatment exhibits a better performance. The highest operation temperature can be increased from 60 to 90 K. At 90 K, the peak responsivity of the NH3 treated QWIP is 1.25 A/W and the detectivity is 3.54 × 109 cm-Hz1/2/ W at 1.5 V. Similarly, the responsivity of the NH3 plasma treated QDIP enhances from 0.8 to 1.5 A/W at 10 K and from 0.06 to 0.09 A/W at 90 K under the bias of ± 1.5 V and 0.8 V, respectively. The operation temperature also increases from 90 to 140 K. It states the importance of passivation to enhance the device performance. Instead of lowering the dark current, a simple structure of WD-QDIP is proposed which can be operated at a high temperature (~230 K) easily. In traditional QDIPs, the carriers (electrons) are supplied from the top and bottom contacts. In order to achieve high temperature operation, various methods are applied to reduce the dark current. This new design adopts the opposite concept, a QW layer doped with Si to 1017/cm3 is inserted in the middle of a stack of 10 QDs layers to serves as a carrier injection layer to supply carriers to QDs layers quickly and sufficiently. The dark current is increased significantly, however, the photo current (PC) is increased even more. Therefore, the operation temperature can be raised to 230 K. This WD-QDIP achieves a responsivity of 0.046 A/W and the detectivity of 1.26 x 107 cmHz1/2/W under the bias of 0.4 V at 230 K. In addition, the carrier transportation mechanism in this WD-QDIP is studied to reveal the existence of two-channel system, the photovoltaic effect and the presence of the scattered electrons. These phenomena describe and prove how a WD-QDIP can be operated at high temperatures. In these discussion, the scattered QDs and the density of QDs are regarded as the key factors to high-temperature operations. For terahertz detection, an InAs/GaAs quantum ring infrared photodetector (QRIP) has been fabricated successfully. This photodetector demonstrates a cutoff wavelength at 175 μm (1.7 THz) and the detectivity of 1.3×107 cmHz1/2/W at 80 K under the bias of 80 mV. The precise control of the In(Ga)As ring height by capping GaAs layer thickness is responsible for extension of the detector response to terahertz range.


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