  • 學位論文


Research on the Interaction between the Judicial Yuan and the Legal Aid Foundation

指導教授 : 張文貞


關於國家與其所捐助設立的財團法人之間的互動關係,無論在學理上、或實務操作上,一直是探討的焦點。其主要的爭執關注點則在於對於國家監督程度細緻程度以及基金會本身自主性多寡程度之問題,而這也將對於其制度設立目的達成有關鍵性的影響。在我國,對於法律扶助制度的建立,亦係採取由司法院捐助成立財團法人制度的建構方式,而在這樣的制度背景設計下,關於兩者日後的互動關係,也將因此有所爭議。 本文對於該互動關係的探討,由其制度價值基礎出發,在肯認憲法保障人民有接近法院的權利基礎上,並配合實務解釋發展暨外國經驗,由此推衍法律扶助制度建構的必要性。並在各國經驗的探討下,認為法律扶助制度的設計並非存在決定性的制度或標準存在,而應委由當地立法者依該國環境加以形成。在此前提上,本文也嘗試為其可以發展的互動關係提供一些原則:國家責任監督原則(目的、事後、專業、合法)、個案講求彈性原則、以及對話空間機制原則。 而互動關係發展的基礎,除了理論探討外,該法規範的制度設計也將扮演重要的關鍵角色。本文由其制度制定背景出發,探討該制度的形成影響因素以及與制度設計、日後互動關係發展的關聯性;除此之外,亦在現行法規範架構下,分別透過在人事、業務、法規、業務、個案及未來發展等層面的探討,並認為實際上法規範面對於雙方互動關係,存有一定程度的模糊性,而可以由本文所提出之互動原則加以因應。 另外,本文亦藉由實際參與法律扶助制度運行的受訪者經驗,除突顯更細緻的制度影響因素外,並更進一步的將其實務經驗,與法規範面探討所得之互動關係模糊性作相互之映證。 最後本文在之前論述的探討基礎上,對於日後兩者的互動發展關係,除個別層面的建議外,在整體發展上亦作有若干建議:如在保障對話機制存在的基礎上,認為應建立公開透明資訊交流平台、批判回應管道、賦予基金會執行者較積極的主動說明義務、以及建立評估、檢討雙方互動運作狀況的外設單位,藉由定期提出檢討報告書的方式,以作為反省力量資源之一。


Theoretically or practically speaking, there will always be disputes about the interactive relation between the State and the foundation contributed by the State. These debates mainly focus on the degree to which the State should supervise the foundation and the autonomy of the foundation. In Taiwan, the newly established legal aid system took the form of Legal Aid Foundation contributed by the Judicial Yuan (the State). Similarly, as a private corporation which serves a public (judicial) goal, the relation between the Foundation and the state is not very clear. What’s the role of the government in this legal aid system? What’s the interactive relation between the Legal Aid Foundation and the Judicial Yuan? The right of action is guaranteed by the constitution. In order to fulfill this right, the state should not only provide people with formally functional litigious proceedings, but also make sure that the persons involved would substantially be tried in a fair and just court. For that reason, the government established the Legal Aid Foundation to substantially help those who can’t afford legal service. This thesis reflects on the interactive relation between the Foundation and the Judicial Yuan from three dimensions. At first, this thesis examines the constitutional basis and foreign examples of legal aid system. It’s found that although the legal aid system helps safeguard the right of action and functions in many different countries, there is no apparent principle so far could be followed. In order to fill in this vagueness, this thesis proposes three interactive principles: 1. The state has the responsibility to supervise the foundation from the perspective of outcome, hindsight, expertise and legality. 2. The foundation should makes judgment case by case with flexibility. 3. There should be a dialogue forum to moderate the tension between them. The second part of this thesis focuses on the dimension of legal norms. It begins with the founding history of the legal aid system. After that, this thesis analyzes related legal norms to display the interactive relation between the Foundation and the Judicial Yuan on six different levels including personnel system, business, legal norm, financial condition, case, and the prospective. This thesis argues that there are some loopholes in the related legal norms which should be made up or supplemented by the three interactive principles mentioned above. This argument is further supported by the third part of this thesis. The author interviewed with persons in the Foundation and the Judicial Yuan, and asked for their opinions about the values and effects of the legal aid system, the problems of the interrelation between the Foundation and the Judicial Yuan, the reason resulting in these problems, and the possible solutions to these problems. By this way, this thesis displays the vagueness and problems we face after this system and related legal norms were put into practice. This thesis concludes that it is important to continue the dialogue between the Judicial Yuan and the Legal Aid Foundation in the future. For this purpose, the legal aid system as a whole should provide a public forum for the Foundation and the Judicial Yuan to exchange experiences with each other. There should also be viable channels for the Foundation and the Judicial Yuan to listen to criticism and to make response to it. Besides, Legal Aid Foundation should take the responsibility of explaining their policy positively. This thesis also suggests establishing an external organization to evaluate the interaction between them and to issue reports on a regular time schedule.




