  • 學位論文


Coherently Aligned Hexabenzocoronenes(HBCs)- Appended Single-Stranded Polynorbornenes

指導教授 : 陸天堯


六苯并暈苯 (hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes, HBCs)是一種新式的有機電荷傳輸材料,且具有許多有趣的性質,近年來更被許多科學家廣泛的研究。本篇論文的主旨在於,合成懸掛六苯并暈苯之規律排列降冰片烯聚合物,並且觀察六苯并暈苯在規律排列時所展現的光物理特性。我們也合成了出了以六苯基苯 (hexaphenylbenzene) 為懸掛物之單股高分子,並探討其光物理性質。 在以六苯并暈苯為懸掛物之寡聚物中,我們可在1H NMR,紫外可見光吸收及螢光光譜觀察到六苯并暈苯間因彼此相互接近產生作用力的變化,接著,我們試著延長六苯并暈苯和降冰片烯骨架間連接基團的長度,而也可觀察到同樣的變化現象。這說明了我們的單股寡聚物經過開環聚合後,六苯并暈苯彼此聚集且是規律性的排列並朝向同一方向。 最後,我們改以六苯基苯為懸掛基團,相對於六苯并暈苯而言,六苯基苯彼此間的作用力並不好,所以在1H NMR,紫外可見光吸收光普中,並未發現明顯的變化,而在螢光光譜上則可發現4-胺基苯醯胺的電荷轉移放射峰的變化。




Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes (HBCs) are new type of organic charge transport materials, and has many interesting properties. In recent years, more extensive research by many scientists. The purpose of this thesis is synthesis of coherently aligned hexabeznocoronenes-appended single-stranded polynorbornenes, and observes the photophysical properties when hexabeznocoronenes are regular arrangement. We also synthesized hexaphenylbenzene derivatives are served as pendant for single stranded polymer, and investigated its photophysical properties. In hexabeznocoronenes-appended single-stranded oligomer, the 1H NMR, UV/vis absorption and flourescence spectra indicated that strong interaction is between each hexabeznocoronenes of oligomers. And if the linker between polynorbornenes and hexabeznocoronenes is extended, the similar phenomenon is observed. These results revealed that conformational change of the norborene moiety after ROMP (ring opening metathesis polymerization) lead hexabeznocoronenes aggregrted and coherently aligned towards the same direction. In hexaphenylbenzene-appended single-stranded polymer, the interaction between hexaphenylbenzenes is bad relative to hexabeznocoronenes. So, the 1H NMR and UV/vis absorption spectra didn’t reveal obvious difference between monomer and polymer. Interestingly, the flourescence spectra indicated that charge transfer emission of 4-aminobenzamide is reduced in polymer.




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