  • 學位論文


WSNs-Based Real Time Bridge Scour Monitoring System for Disaster Management

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


為維護橋梁之安全,防止橋梁因為河川沖刷、颱洪、地震與其他災害作用造成人民財產的損失,因此於橋梁裝設監測管理系統是一項值得探討的議題。然而在目前的橋梁管理過程中,大多將監測設備裝設於橋梁下部結構,為了使橋梁監測系統能在惡劣氣候中持續進行監測,本研究將監測設備安裝於橋梁上部結構,以無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSNs)為平台,於其上配置加速度計與Global Positioning System (GPS),加速計測量橋梁之振動頻率,GPS提供校時功能,並運用加速度與沖刷深度之轉換機制,將所測得之資訊轉換為沖刷深度,使橋梁維護單位與相關工程單位能夠透過本研究所建置之網路式橋梁沖刷監控災害管理系統來對現有橋樑進行有效地管理。本研究著眼於各種感應之整合,將各種感應器整合於無線感測網路平台上,並透過非迭帶式平差方式來提高GPS定位的精度至公尺級水準。除此之外,本研究透過訪談與實地實驗測試,建置一套完整的資訊傳輸流程,不須使用3G或Wi-Fi等維護費用較高的傳輸方式,即可將監測系統所測得之資料即時傳送回管制中心。管制中心即可及時地利用各項監控指標來及時管控現有橋梁之風險,並建立以無線感應網路為基礎(WSNs-Based)之整合式橋梁防災管理平台,運用無線感應網路結合分散式共享整合資料庫來儲存與管理監測資訊,使得所有橋梁監測資訊得以傳遞與發佈,提供使用者橋梁管控、監測以及預警之功能,以達災害防治之目的,以期能預警橋梁安全,以主動防災取代被動救災。


In Taiwan, natural disasters, such as typhoons, earthquakes, and especially floods, can cause severe damage. Although bridge engineering technology has matured, the lack of an integrated bridge management system under severe disasters remains a challenge for the government. Most recent monitoring systems must be installed on the substructure of the bridge piers, which would be more accurate than our system; however, they would be destroyed by floods that dislodged large rocks and trees. This research developed a monitoring system that can detect real-time bridge scour information through the combination and application of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) technologies for bridges. In addition, this research used a genetic model for calculating scour depth, which can provide a warning signal instantaneously; thus, the system we developed could be installed at superstructure of bridge. This is an innovative monitoring concept for application in this area. Our system can continue to monitor scour status as the flood develops, up until the point when the bridge fails. Bridge safety monitoring agencies could utilize this system as a decision support tool in order to develop maintenance plans for bridges, and to block bridges under severe weather conditions to prevent potential damage and collapse. This is a contribution for society. This study not only provides the results from laboratories, but also applies the developed system to a real case. We solved several obstacles when we installed the system on the bridge, including: a support system, sensor selection, sensor protection, data transmission, and power supply and maintenance problems. The experience of the installation process would be a valuable reference for future research.


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