  • 學位論文

Gogoro Network 換電站佈建的公私協力模式:從能源轉型治理理論的多層次視角途徑檢視

Building a Public-Private Collaboration Model for the Construction of Gogoro Network’s Battery Swapping Stations across Taiwan:An Examination with the Multi-level Perspective Approach of Energy Transition Governance Theory

指導教授 : 張國暉


在國際間對於減碳等環境議題愈加重視的趨勢下,許多國家透過不同的政策組合,試圖推動電動車此類運輸部門的能源轉型作為前述議題的對應解方。相較他國,台灣在電動車輛上的轉變更多發生於機車而非自小客車,在全球頗具獨特性。自燃油機車轉變為電動機車的過程中,除了電動機車業者本身之外,燃油機車業者、政策、消費者的想法…等不同要素之間的互動都會影響到轉型的發展脈絡。在我國的電動機車轉型過程中,構成Gogoro Network能源網絡之換電站佈建相關的硬體、建設,及政策溝通技巧等有形及無形的技術之發展,雖尚未能夠滿足所有的使用者,但已經達成一定的成就。 透過理論之文獻分析以及對相關行為者之訪談,本文嘗試以社會科技轉型理論之MLP架構,分析換電站網絡發展過程中,社會科技政體裡代表「政策」的公部門在轉型的各個階段與代表網絡佈建之「技術」的私部門之間的互動關係。並根據公私協力理論補足MLP研究架構在社會科技體系構成要素之間互動描寫上的不足,同時結合前述理論建立新的研究模型。整體來說,電動機車社會科技體系中Gogoro Network之換電站能源網絡作為代表技術要素之私部門,其能夠達到目前的發展程度,其與政策要素之間形成的公私協力關係確實有很大的幫助。本文藉由本土脈絡之視角進行轉型細節之分析,未來有機會提供換電站的儲能系統、雙向饋電,或是其他社會科技轉型中的利基創新模式參考。


Under the international focus on environmental issues such as carbon reduction, many countries attempt to address these issues through energy transition policies for the transportation sector, such as the promotion of electric vehicles. Compared to other countries, Taiwan is unique that the shift to electric vehicles has occurred in power two-wheelers more than cars. During the transformation from Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) to electric motorcycles, the interaction between electric motorcycle manufacturers, ICE manufacturers, policies, and consumers influences the development of the transition. In the transition to electric motorcycles in Taiwan, the tangible and intangible technologies related to hardware, construction, and policy communication skills that make up the Gogoro Network's energy network have reached significant achievement. Through theoretical literature analysis and interviews with relevant actors, this thesis attempts to analyze the interaction between the public sector representing the "policy" element, and the private sector representing the "technology" element of the socio-technical regime during each step of the transition with the multi-level perspective (MLP) research model of the socio-technical approach of the transition theory. Also, according to the theory of public-private cooperation, this paper tries to make up for the deficiency of the MLP research framework in the description of the interaction between the elements of the socio-technical system and establish a new research model based on the aforementioned theories at the same time. Overall, in the socio-technical system of electric scooters, the public-private partnership formed between the policy element and the battery swapping station energy network of Gogoro Network, as a private sector representing the technology element, is indeed a significant momentum to reach the current level of development. This paper analyzes the details of the transition from the perspective of the local context and has the opportunity to provide references for other niche innovation models in socio-technical transition in the future.


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