  • 學位論文


Empirical Analysis of Operational Performance of Young Farmers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何率慈


臺灣農業面臨國際貿易自由競爭、多為小農經營、糧食自給率逐年下滑、就業人口老化、勞動力外移接班斷層、農業人才培育產學落差等問題。但國內農業仍具有技術優勢與營利商機,包含轉型為創造整體效益成為產業契機、多元化的產銷經營、農業技術持續研發進步。為此,政府過去十餘年積極推動青年返鄉計畫,實施多項補助並編列預算、提供陪伴式輔導吸引青年回鄉從農,以解決農場缺乏工作者的困境,補充農業的勞動力缺口。 為了解青年農民從農營農之影響因素,本研究以行政院農業委員會所定義之20至45歲之間的農民為對象,藉由問卷投放,將影響臺灣青年農民經營策略與績效之關鍵因素分為人格特質、從農動機、生產資源、經營策略與經營績效,以次序羅吉斯模型作為實證分析之工具,探討青年農民各構面因素對於青年農民在財務及非財務效能之影響,以了解該項目對於從農績效的重要程度。實證結果發現,長輩期望、作物經濟價值、作物生產頻率、政府機構培訓、農地買賣媒合、緊張特質對於青年農民之從農動機、經營策略、生產資源具有顯著之影響效果;進一步分析後發現銷售收入多寡與是否為農二代也具高度相關性,顯示當青年選擇農業創業時,家族事業既有資源與經營績效表現息息相關。此外,依據青年農民意見回饋,除了提出相關政策修正建議供政府參考,也可以提供給未來有意從農之青年作為借鏡並促使其轉業成功,強化農村人力結構與素質,提升農業經營價值。


Taiwan's agriculture is facing fierce competition from trade liberalization, small-scale operations, food self-sufficiency, aging agricultural labor force, gaps in practice and curriculum, and farm succession. However, domestic agricultural development has shown some promises: The value chain has become a new opportunity for value-added industries, the multifunctional value of agriculture has been valued, and the capacity of agricultural technology is growing. In recent decade, the government has been actively promoting Youth Return programs, which offers subsidies and training programs to encourage young generation to return to their hometown to become and work as farmers. The purpose is to deal with the problem of insufficient numbers of farmers in the field to close generational gap in agricultural labor market. In order to understand the influence of young generation on farm operation and business, this study focuses on farmers between the ages of 20 and 45 as defined by the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan using online survey. The key factors that affect the performance of young farmers in Taiwan are divided into five aspects: personality traits, agricultural motivation, entrepreneurial resources, business strategies, and business performance. This study explores the impact of various aspects of young farmers on the financial and non-financial performance of young farmers using ordinal logistic approach. The findings show that elderly’s expectations, crop revenue, production frequency, government’s training, farmland transaction, and nervousness have significant impacts on young farmers' motivation, management strategies, and production resources. Also, crop revenue receipt is also highly correlated with whether they are the second generation of farmers, which indicates that when young people choose to start a business in agriculture, the existing resources of the family business are critical. Overall, the research findings and collected survey response provide both some policy and farm-management implications. The informed stakeholders include new farmers who will return to the countryside in the future to engage in agricultural management. The affected generation is the one who anticipates successful career transitions, which may further strengthen the structure and quality of rural labor market and enhance the overall farming economy.


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王儀(2009)。 農村青年留農選擇之研究,農業推廣學研究所(第 1-81頁): 國立臺灣大學。
