  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Evolution and Determinants of Manufacturing Outsourcing Strategy of a Brand Notebook Computer Company

指導教授 : 李吉仁


台灣電子資訊廠商常兼營自有品牌與設計製造代工業務,然而等到自有品牌知名度與營業規模大到對代工客戶產生壓力時,通常會被逼迫分割自有品牌與代工業務。為強化兩者的經營獨立性,自有品牌必須開始建立外包策略與程序能力。此一外包安排的演化過程,一方面受到外在產業競爭結構的影響,另一方面也受到過去內部交易習性的牽制,其成功變革的難度常被低估,有缺少深度的研究。 本論文主要係針對個案企業在品牌與製造分家後,筆電品牌產品製造外包策略與發展歷程,進行跨時、深度的個案研究,希望透過個案企業分家前後,筆電產品製造外包所遇到的問題與原因,檢視企業策略、外包策略與產業競爭環境之間的交互關聯性,從而歸納外包策略所需考量的影響因素項目,以作為其他企業進行品牌與製造分家時,製造外包策略擬定與執行的參考 具體而言,本研究的問題有二;一為當品牌與製造代工分家時,企業可能面臨的製造外包挑戰本質為何,二為企業製造外包策略制定,應該考慮那些因素以確保其可執行性?本研究採用價值網、波特五力模型以及資源基礎理論分析等工具,解析個案企業的決策與行動歷程,歸納出「企業外包決策概念架構圖」,用以解釋影響個案企業外包策略之關鍵因素。根據此一概念架構,本研究提出以下之重要結論: 一、公司/集團策略與外包策略能否順利實施,受到產業競爭生態與發展趨勢(外部力量)深刻影響。 二、企業產品製造外包,是企業組織及工作流程重大變革的開始,也會與企業因為過去成功經驗所形成的組織文化與組織能耐產生交互影響甚至衝突。 三、外包策略的有效實施,必須統合外包內涵的各個項目,除了要與企業策略目標一致、結合企業組織與資源能耐,並搭配代工廠提供之資源與合作條件。


This paper provides a case-based exploration on the evolution and determinants of manufacturing outsourcing strategy of a brand notebook computer (NB) company. Upon spined off its manufacturing unit, the case company became a brand-only NB company and had to outsource its NB manufacturing to suppliers to help cost down and to enhance its competition. However, the level of organizational change and hence its difficulty are usually underestimated, an interesting issue which is worth further research. Based on a longitudinal case study, this thesis unravel the root causes and determinants of its manufacturing outsourcing startegy with an expectation to share valuable experience to other companies who is going to face a similar situation. Two research questions are raised in this thesis; they are: (1) What chanllenges will the case company face in its manufacturing outsourcing, after spinning off its manufacturing operation from brand? (2) What are the factors the company need to consider while setting its manufacturing outsourcing strategy to ensure its executability? Guided by various frameworks of strategy planning, including value net, five-force model, and resource-based view of the firm, we conclude a conceptual framework depicting determinants of manufacturing outsourcing decisions. Overall, this thesis suggests the following key findings: (1) The industry landscape will exert nontrival impact on the executability of the outsourcing strategy of an enterprise. (2) Manufacturing outsourcing represents a major change to the organization and work processes of an enterprise. Its implementation will be highly affected by the existing corporate culture resulted by past success and the organizational capability. (3) For an effective implementation, the outsourcing strategy must be consistent with the corporate strategy, resources capability and organization culture, and to sync up with the capability and business terms offered by the suppliers.


一、 中文書籍與論文部份:
謝凱宇、林舒柔譯,2003,初版,現代策略管理,台北,科大文化。Grant, Robert M.,1991,Contemporary Strategy Analysis-Concepts, Techniques, Applications (4th Ed),Oxford,Blackwell Publishers Ltd。
