  • 學位論文


Study on Progress Expediting Plans for Construction Management - Cases of Building Projects

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


營建工程是一複雜且包羅萬象的行業,在興建的過程中需投入相當多的人力、機具及材料。這些人力、機具及物料需在適當的時間及工序下投入、在適當的時間內完成始可如期的將工程完成交付予客戶。同時由於產業的特性,在興建的過程中易受到自然環境的影響。因此興建過程中的影響變數如持續增加,則對於工期的掌控管理則越形困難。而國內營建業的現況面臨許多問題,例如全球氣候異常急降雨狀況持續增加、勞動人口不足、人口高齡化持續攀升及教育程度提高年輕人不願投入營建產業造成技藝無法傳承、環保意識抬頭及全球化疫情管制影響造成物料供應量不穩等問題。這些問題皆增加了營建工程在進度管理上的困難度,也因此營建過程中面臨趕工的狀況履見不鮮。 當工程推展過程中面臨趕工需求時,究竟要如何擬定趕工計畫?進度落後的關鍵原因為何?有那些趕工作為可選用?趕工方案應考慮之關聯面向為何?趕工成本是否可得到補償?趕工成本效益及使用時機為何?機關審查趕工計畫的原則究竟為何?儼然成為一值得探究之課題,也是本研究主要探討之目的。 鑒於國內公部門機關僅就趕工計畫的提出時機有作規定,對於趕工計畫應具備的內容及要件則未作規定。因此本研究參酌公共工程趕工實施作業要點、政府採購法、新北市政府工務局及「機關審查廠商展延工期及趕工計畫作業程序與參考準則建立之研究」(廖靜雅,2017)作為趕工計畫模型建立之比對依據。所建立的模型雖尚無法立即成為公部門審查趕工計畫之依據,但對於營建施工階段的廠商、監造單位、專管單位及主辦機關在擬定及審查趕工計畫時,是一值得參考引用之研究。


Construction works are a complex and all-encompassing industry and require considerable manpower, tools and materials to be invested in the construction process. These manpower, implements and materials are required to be put into the works at the right time and in the process, and the completion of the works can be delivered to the customer as scheduled within the appropriate time. At the same time, due to the characteristics of the industry, in the construction process is easily affected by the natural environment. Therefore, if the influence variables in the construction process continue to increase, the management of the duration is more difficult. The current situation of domestic construction industry is faced with many problems, such as the continuous increase of the global climate abnormal and rapid rainfall, the shortage of the labor force, the aging of the population and the lack of skill generation caused by young people's reluctance to enter the construction industry, the rise of environmental awareness and the impact of the global epidemic control caused by the instability of the supply of materials. These problems have increased the difficulty of construction projects in the progress management, and therefore the construction process is faced with the situation of rush work is not uncommon. How should a rush-up plan be drawn up when the project is faced with the need to expediting work in the process of project development? What are the key reasons for falling behind? Which expediting works we can adopt? What are the linkages that the expediting work plan should consider? Is the cost of the catch-up reimbursable? What is the cost-effectiveness and timing of the catch-up? What are the principles of the agency's review of the work-rush scheme? It has become a subject worthy of exploration, and it is also the main purpose of this study. In view of the fact that the domestic public sector organs only provide for the timing of the introduction of the work-catch plan, the contents and elements of the catch-up plan are not stipulated. Therefore, this study considers the key points of public works for the implementation of work, the government procurement law, the New North Municipal Government Works Bureau and "the examination of manufacturers to extend the work schedule and the work plan operating procedures and reference guidelines established research" (Liao Jingya, 2017) as the basis for the establishment of the work-making plan model. Although the model established can not immediately become the basis for the public department to review the work-making plan, but for the construction phase of the manufacturers, supervision units, specialized units and the host organizations in the preparation and review of the work-making plan, is a worthy of reference and reference research.


