  • 學位論文


Time-Saving War: The Politics of Mobility in Digital-Mediated Foods Delivery Labouring

指導教授 : 王志弘


由便利需求與數位科技推動的食物配送平台服務,正塑造著台灣飲食零售地景與勞動樣態的新樣貌。純然仰賴手機網路打卡與接單的勞動模式,以及由論件計酬及獎金累件加給的勞動報酬性質,看似提供了一種勞動時間與薪資皆掌握在己的彈性與自由,實際上卻是食物外送員,受制於數位黑箱、資本剝削、風險外包及時間催促的勞動結果。此外,食物外送員往往需要以私人化的「補缺行動」,耗時調節既有公共性不足的配置和運作,像是面臨勞動現場的物質損壞、基礎設施缺漏、技術系統失靈,以及空間規範的限制等。不論是勞動體制的剝削,或是複雜勞動現場的耗時補缺,皆造成食物外送員經常在街頭趕場送件與承擔交通移動風險的現象。 於是,本文嘗試以虛擬自由、移動異化,與補缺行動等概念,探討數位中介計件制的自由性與剝削性,以及食物外送員於勞動過程涉入的移動政治與勞動風險議題。作者以台北都會區的兩間食物配送平台foodpanda和Uber Eats的外送員為主要研究對象,通過與外送員、店家、平台業務、工會成員與律師的訪談,以及實際參與勞動與觀察網路社群討論等方法,配合新聞報導及相關文獻,探討上述論題。 作者主張科技中介食物配送過程的便利性,其實是平台業者以數位黑箱、計件制的調控,使外送員在複雜勞動環境中從事血汗勞動的成果。當中,自由的外送工作乃科技與資本加速積累結構下,受到刻意塑造的虛擬幻象。勞動風險的構成也並非個人行動所致,反而是勞動體制、移動環境,與生產中的關係等共構的結果。


With the online food delivery services market fast growing come the emergence of new atypical employment. The features of foods delivery work, digital-mediated and the piece-rate system, appear to provide a kind of elasticity and freedom for wage earner. But actually the labor process is full of exploitation of labour and urged. Besides, the food delivery workers even need to perform personal prosthetic action in order that they could cope complex situation in work sites and provide the service more rapidly. These complex situations in work sites include material crash, infrastructure damage, technical system fault, moving constraints on the specification of some place and so on. In general, either exploitation of labour or complex situation in work sites would cause the food delivery workers to expedite their movement unconsciously and even cause traffic hazard. This article use the concepts including “illusion of disguised freedom”, “mobility alienation” and “prosthetic action” to illustrate piece-rate system in digital-mediated implicit with disguised freedom and exploitation and illustrate the risk of labor process how to be constituted. The author is base on two case study, foodpanda and Uber Eats, examining the online food delivery platforms in the Taipei City. The investigation is conducted through in-depth interviews, work field observation, literature analysis and compilation of news reports. The findings of the research have led to the conclusion that such convenient and rapidly services could be provided is due to capitalist’s manipulation through the piece-rate system in digital-mediated. In other words, the feature of the work is not real elasticity and freedom but the illusion of disguised freedom under structure. And the labour risks is not worker’s personal actions cause but labor regime, labor environment and relations in production co-constitute.


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