  • 學位論文


Overcoming Social Stigmas: Study on the Persuasive Effects of HIV/AIDS News

指導教授 : 王泰俐


在醫療技術發達的現今,愛滋病已不再無藥可治,但長久以來的烙印讓民眾對愛滋病仍帶有恐懼,導致社會對愛滋病的誤解尚無法消除。若能透過大眾傳播媒體,以有效的說服方式讓民眾了解正確的愛滋病知識,或許有望改善整體社會對愛滋病的負面印象。 本研究以「思辨可能性模式」為主要理論,透過訊息設計方式,設計兩則不同說服路徑的新聞,並觀察對同性戀持不同立場的民眾,是否會對不同說服路徑的愛滋病資訊,產生不同的說服效果。研究方法採用3(同性戀態度)× 2(新聞說服路徑)的多因子實驗設計,自網際網路招募90位受試者參與線上實驗,透過多變量變異數分析進行量化統計分析。 研究結果顯示,中央路徑愛滋病新聞對挺同態度民眾具有較好的說服效果,而周邊路徑愛滋病新聞則對反同態度民眾具有較好的說服效果。此外,民眾對周邊路徑愛滋病新聞的認知程度較中央路徑愛滋病新聞高、男性對愛滋病資訊的接受程度則比女性高。 在實務上,本研究認為新聞媒體應在符合新聞專業倫理的規範內,運用資訊性豐富且具吸引力的周邊線索,傳播更多中立、不受負面烙印的愛滋病防治觀念,以增加社會大眾接收愛滋病防治資訊的意願。


Nowadays, by progressive medical technology, AIDS is no longer an incurable disease. But the long-standing HIV/AIDS-related stigma and the connection between homosexuality and the disease are still predominant in the society, and people’s misunderstanding of HIV/AIDS is still widespread. If mass media could be deployed to persuade the public to accept the correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS, it can be expected that the overall negative social impression of HIV/AIDS can be improved. This study used the Elaboration Likelihood Model as a theoretical framework by designing two HIV/AIDS news articles with different persuasion routes to examine whether they have persuasive effects on the recipients with different stances on homosexuality. To evaluate the expected effects, this study employed a 3×2 full factorial experimental design with two independent variables (attitudes toward homosexuality and routes to persuasion). A multivariate analysis of variance was performed to analyze data collected from 90 subjects recruited from the Internet to participate in the online experiment. The results of the study indicate that the HIV/AIDS news via the central route has a better persuasive effect on recipients with a favorable attitude toward homosexuality, while the HIV/AIDS news via the peripheral route has a better persuasive effect on those with an unfavorable attitude. In addition, the public’s perception of HIV/AIDS news is higher via the peripheral route than via the central route, and males’ acceptance of HIV/AIDS information is higher than that of females. For future studies and the journalism industry, this study suggests that within the norms of journalistic professional ethics, the news media should provide informative and attractive peripheral cues to spread more neutral and non-discriminatory messages on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment to increase the public’s willingness to receive HIV/AIDS prevention information.


施美玲譯(1997)《大眾傳播研究方法》。臺北:五南。(原書Singletary, M. [1994]. Mass communication research: Contemporary methods and applications. New York: Longman.)
