  • 學位論文


Exploring the GMO News Frames of Taiwan: A Semantic Network Analysis

指導教授 : 闕河嘉


本研究欲檢視國內主流媒體在報導基改議題時,有無使用特定的態度或傾向報導特定的子議題。大眾媒體是民眾接收資訊的重要管道,檢視其新聞內容有其必要性。本研究的研究旨趣為透過探討基改新聞中潛藏的「框架」,以及組成框架的「行動者」背後所連結的社會意義,藉此了解媒體的報導如何建構基改議題的形象,以及給予社會大眾什麼樣的認知與態度。本研究以語詞網絡分析為核心,佐以模組化分析、QAP與特徵向量中心性等研究途徑分析2005-2018年的四大報基改議題新聞。具體焦點為:(1)檢視基改報導中潛藏的框架。(2)檢視不同時間點之下媒體慣用的框架是否有所差異,又是因為哪些因素改變框架。(3)探討組成框架的行動者如何影響框架所展現的意義。   在研究結果上,本研究有三個主要發現。首先,台灣的基改報導風格以2012年為界,在2012年以前基改報導主要採用的框架為「基改作物」、「美國出口」、「作物種植」等物質面向的框架,框架內涵多為事實呈現,報導較無偏向特定態度;2012年之後的框架則以「可能危害」、「食品標示」、「校園午餐」等人文社會方面的論述為主,且報導對基改作物和基改食品的態度漸趨負面。再者,台灣的基改論述並不完全隨社會中的重大事件有所更迭,僅發生在國內的在地事件對媒體報導內容有較大的影響力。最後,隨著報導內容的改變,基改論述漸趨在地化、社會化,以及去科學化。和早年以知識傳遞為主的內容相比,基改報導現已變為以閱聽眾的偏好與觀點為主要消息來源。


This study examines the attitude the mass media display and the issues they prefer to report in the news of genetically modified organisms (GMO). Since mass media are one of the channels which are audiences receive information from, the contents which they display must be examined. This study discusses “the frames” in the news discourses and “the actors” which comprise the frames to understand how the mass media construct the representation of the GMO and what recognitions and attitudes are communicated to the audiences. This study uses semantic network analysis featuring modularity, QAP and eigenvector centrality to analyze the four mainstream newspapers’ GMO news in 2005-2018 in Taiwan. This study aims to: 1) examine the frames in the GMO news; 2) examine the differences between the frames of different eras and figure out what factors affected the media changing the frames they used; 3) discuss how the actors of the frames affect the meanings of the frames. This study has three findings. First, the mass media changed their attitude in reporting GMO news in 2012. Before 2012, the “genetic-modified crops, “imports from USA”, and “forage crops” frames were used in the media discourses the most. These frames are material-oriented and do not show specific attitudes. After 2012, the most-dominated frames were “potential hazards”, “food marks” and “lunch in school”, which were more society-oriented and showed negative attitude toward GMO. Second, the timing of the GMO news discourses changing did not always follow serious incident in the world but serious incident in Taiwan. Last, the GMO news discourses became more localized, socialized and de-scientific as time goes by. Unlike the content which was oriented by information-communicating before, the audiences’ preferences and perspectives are becoming the main news sources.


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