  • 學位論文

食安風暴政府治理之風險感知與溝通分析 -以黑心油品事件為例

The Analysis of Risk Perception and Communication of the Government Governance on Food Safety Crisis –Take the Inferior Lard Incident for Example

指導教授 : 周桂田


2014年黑心油品事件,為不肖業者為牟取暴利,將飼料油或餿水油當成食用油販售,重創臺灣美食王國的國際形象,衝擊著民眾對於政府食安治理的信心。政府在事件處理過程中,產生延遲揭露資訊的爭議,造成民眾不安與恐慌。也就是政府未善盡風險溝通的責任,消費者無法獲得即時與正確的食品安全資訊,加上專家政治決策的失誤,使得民眾直接暴露於食安風險之中。面對食安風暴,民眾的風險感知有著極大程度的轉變,國人食安風險意識升高。瞭解民眾風險感知與即時回應民眾訴求,是政府風險溝通的基礎。長期以來,我國政府決策獨尊科學證據與專家治理的現象亟需檢討與改變。 對於我國食安風險治理有下列三點建議:一、建議政府參考歐盟、美國或日本等國家之規範標準,以「消費者保護」為最高宗旨,逐次修正我國食安管理法規,調整國內食安法規與國際接軌;二、建議我國行政院成立常設性的「食品安全委員會」,使其成為具備公開性、獨立性與專業性的中央行政機關,統籌各類食安問題;三、建議參考國際、美國與歐盟之風險治理規範或架構,強化我國食安風險治理機制,從「風險評估」、「風險管理」、「風險溝通」、「預防原則」與「公民參與」等五大項目著手進行,維護國人飲食健康安全,防範食安事件一再發生。


The Inferior Lard Incident occurred in 2014, which the unscrupulous vendors made huge profits by using animal feed oil or recycled waste oil as cooking oil to sell. This has caused severe damage to Taiwan’s international image as a gourmet kingdom and impacted the public’s confidence in the government for food safety governance. In the process of dealing with the incident, the government delayed to disclose information about the controversy which made the public anxious and panic. In other words, the government did not take the responsibility for risk communication so the consumers couldn’t get immediate and proper food safety information. In addition, the faults from expert politics decision-making caused people to be directly exposed to the food safety risk. Faced with the food safety crisis, the public’s risk perception has such a dramatic change that the public’s awareness toward food safety has increased. The risk communication in government is based on understanding the public’s risk perception and immediately responding to the public’s demands. For a long time, our government policy only respected scientific evidence and expert governance. Such a phenomenon is in urgent need of review and change. There are three suggestions toward our food safety risk governance as follows: the first suggestion is that the government refers to the standards in the European Union, the United States, Japan and other countries to protect consumers as the top priority.Then, it should gradually amend our food safety regulations and adjust the domestic food safety regulations to integrate into the world system. The second suggestion is that the Executive Yuan should establish a permanent ‘Food Safety Committee’ as an open, independent and professional central administrative organization to coordinate all kinds of food safety issues. The third suggestion is that the government should refer to the risk governance standards or frameworks in the world, the United States and the European Union to strengthen our food safety risk governance mechanism with the five projects including ‘risk assessment’, ‘risk management’, ‘risk communication’, ‘precautionary principle’ and ‘citizen participation’. The government should maintain the public health in food safety and prevent future food safety incidents from happening again.


吳靜宜(2014) 。《台灣與日本食品安全制度之比較研究:兼論進口美國牛肉安全


