  • 學位論文

實體店面O2O電子商務營銷模式 – 以中國零售業為例

The Online to Offline Business Model of Physical Stores - A Case Study on the Retail Industry in China

指導教授 : 湯明哲


自1998年網際網路發明後開始,網路成為承載媒體、行銷、廣告等等商業活動之媒介,因此新型態的商業模式開始結合網路活動,許多新創企業也開始思考電子商務的發展模式,除了B2B、B2C等商業模式之外,電子商務也開始出現結合實體商店與線上平台的O2O商業模式。 O2O商務模式透過線上營銷帶動線下消費,或是由線下實體活動引導消費者到線上進行活動與消費,O2O商業模式有助於實體商店整合到網路市場,透過網路進行行銷與顧客開發,可以有效的開發市場與經營顧客。同時O2O商業模式藉由線上平台與支付技術,可以分析消費者購買行為與購買型態,透過大數據分析找出有利消費者的促銷方案,增加消費者持續購物的可能性。 本研究深入研究中國的零售業市場,了解實體零售業者進入O2O商業模式的架構與模式,找出O2O商業模式可以如何幫助實體商店建立創新商業模式,並提出實體店面進入O2O商業模式的兩種主要軌跡,期許能帶給實體店面之廠商了解如何透過線上平台、金流、資訊流等等方式,進入O2O電子商務之領域發展。


O2O 閉環 實體商店


Since Internet was invented in1998, it became the media to implement marketing, public activity and commercials. In additional, the new business models start to combine with internet activity. Lots of start-ups want to develop B2C or C2C e-commerce business model. In 2008, a brand new e-commerce business model combines with physical stores and online platform be proposed. O2O (Online to Offline) business integrates online platform and offline entity store. This model helps company to develop online customers and develop new market then brings online customers into offline business. O2O business model not only could reach the customers via online channel and drive they to consume product, it can also understand customers’ behavior and collect consuming data thought membership and mobile payment technology. By the data analysis, the company can continuously provide the fittest product and service to customers. This thesis focus on retail industry in china to understand the know-how and approach that how physical retail stores integrate online resource and technology to develop unique retail business model.


Online to Offline Close ring Physical stores


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