  • 學位論文


A Study on In-plane Lateral Load Displacement Curve of Brick Infill in RC Frames with Openings

指導教授 : 黃世建


台灣位於環太平洋地震帶上,地處歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊交界處,每年平均發生18500次地震,其中包含多次災害性地震,造成財物及生命上的損失。勘災時發現許多老舊房屋內部隔間牆多為磚造,而廚房為了滿足其功能性,也通常具有窗型或是門型開口之填充磚牆,一般來說其耐震能力相較於鋼筋混凝土牆來說較弱,因此老舊街屋的重建顯得非常重要。但都市計畫通常需要花費非常多的時間來進行整體上的設計及規劃,在此之前若是能夠利用一些經濟簡單的方式使得磚牆耐震性能大幅提升並確保其可用性及安全性,將能夠減少地震侵襲時造成的損害。 本研究旨在了解磚牆的基礎理論及破壞模式,研究三面及四面圍束磚牆並提出合適的分析模型,經過對於勁度預測上的修正之後,側力位移的分析曲線已與實驗曲線非常接近。 對於磚牆的補強,主要是透過碳纖維貼片及鋼構件,先前已經有大量的實驗研究證明兩者的補強效果及可行性,但對於補強位置及補強後開口磚牆的強度及勁度的預測卻沒有太多研究。本研究藉由結構分析探討開口磚牆須補強處,並延伸三面及四面圍束磚牆分析模型,提出補強後的開口磚牆分析模型,透過先前的實驗數據驗證後,確認其可行性及準確性。


Taiwan is located on the Pacific Rim seismic zone, at the junction of the Eurasia plate and Philippine Sea plate. There are about 18500 earthquakes in Taiwan each year, including multiple catastrophic earthquakes, which cause much loss of finance and lives. During the earthquake reconnaissance, it was found that the internal partition walls in old buildings were mostly made of bricks. Besides, walls in kitchens were usually made of bricks with window or door openings to satisfy its usage. Generally, seismic capacity of brick walls is weaker than that of reinforced concrete walls. Thereforce, The reconstruction of old buildings is very important and urgent. However, Urban Planning of Reneusal usually needs to take a lot of time to carry out overall design and planning. Before that, if we can use some economical and simple methods to ensure or increase the seismic capacity of the brick walls and maintain the usability and safety of the old building, it will be able to reduce the damage caused by the earthquakes. The objectives of this study is to understand the basic theory and failure mode of brick walls, and to propose a suitable analysis model for three- and four-side confined brick walls. After remodeling the stiffness, the lateral load displacement curve from analysis has been very close to the experimental curve. For the retrofitting of brick walls with openings, there have been many studies proving the feasibility and reinforcing effect of Carbon Fiber and steel member retrofitting, but there are fewer studies on the reinforcement position and prediction of the strength and stiffness of the brick wall with openings after retrofitting. In this study, I try to analyze the structural behavior to explore the areas where needs to be reinforced. Besides, I extend the analysis model of three- and four-side confined brick walls, and propose the analysis model of brick wall with openings after retrofitting. Through vertification of the previous experimental data, the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method are confirmed.


CNS 1127中華民國國家標準,建築用普通磚檢驗法(被CNS 382取代),臺北市:經濟部標準檢驗局,臺北,2020。
CNS 382中華民國國家標準,普通磚,臺北市:經濟部標準檢驗局,臺北,2020。
