  • 學位論文


Dietary Consumption Behavior and Perception of Agri-Food Education among Young Population in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


各國的食農教育推行已久,政策的主軸皆是為鏈結及建構國人與食物及環境之間的關係,藉以提升糧食自給率及糧食安全,並教育國人落實身體及健康飲食,瞭解健康飲食與自然關係等目的,亦須配合調整國內產業及市場供需等結構,強化國人觀念及行為的改變。 2022年5月4日我國食農教育法總統令正式頒佈施行,本研究將以國內年輕族群為對象,就食農教育之認知及消費行為進行調查,探討年輕族群對食農教育認知、飲食認知及習慣等情形,並瞭解其食材選擇及購買行為、再就國內現行做法及法條內容對應,得出食農教育推動策略之建議。 本研究以問卷調查後進行分析,結果顯示,食農教育及均衡飲食關鍵字聽過的年輕族群仍占多數,三章一Q農產品標誌正確判別的年輕族群達半數以上,而最想知道食材訊息是以時令食材、料理方式、營養及成分為主;在飲食選擇的考量上以口味及喜好、價格考量及購買方便度等為主;飲食相關訊息接收的主要管道是以臉書、超市、Youtube及電視;選擇購買地點的條件則以價格合理、新鮮度、產品多樣為主;就挑選食材時考量的因素以新鮮、價格及品質為主;年輕族群多數都有採購習慣,但是身為主要採買者比例較低,而每月購買食材的頻率以1至4次最多,及每次購買生鮮食材的花費金額以500元以下最多;另身為主要採買者及和家人一起居住者在採購生鮮食材花費金額較高,家中有6歲以下學齡前兒童或70歲以上高齡長者、女性年輕族群等情形;在國產食材的優先選購、購買生鮮食材的頻率等皆略高。均衡飲食上,全榖或雜糧類、油脂類及豆、魚、蛋或肉類的攝取上都接近或符合建議攝取量,而蔬菜類、乳品、堅果種子類及水果類攝取量皆不足。 綜合上述研究成果,本研究建議食農教育應從國人的生活相關的面向進行推廣,針對國人的家庭組成、飲食習慣及食材選購的偏好,進行有效的食農教育推廣及傳播,另新增或調整政府資源及制度設計,引導民間單位結合國人生活習慣,共同辦理推廣活動,並採用國產食材及響應注重營養健康,讓食農教育產業化。


Food and agricultural education in various countries has been carried out for a long time. The main axis of the policy is to link and build the relationship between the people, food and the environment, so as to improve the food self-sufficiency rate and food security, and to educate the Taiwanese people to implement physical and healthy diet, and to understand the relationship between healthy diet and the environment. The purposes must also be coordinated with the adjustment of domestic industry and market supply and demand structure, and to strengthen the change of people's attitudes and behaviors. On May 4, 2022, the Presidential Decree of my country's Food and agricultural education act was officially promulgated and implemented. This research will target the domestic young adults ethnic group to investigate the cognition and consumption behavior of food and agricultural education, and explore the young adults's cognition of food and agricultural education. , dietary cognition and habits, etc., and understand their food selection and purchase behavior, and then correspond to the current domestic practices and legal provisions, and come up with suggestions on the promotion strategy of food and agricultural education. This study conducted an analysis after a questionnaire survey. The results show that the majority of young adults have heard of the keywords of food and agricultural education and balanced diet. More than half of the young people who correctly identified the three chapters and QR code agricultural product logos, and most want to know the information about the ingredients are seasonal ingredients, cooking methods, nutrition and ingredients; food choices are mainly based on taste and preferences, price considerations, and convenience of purchase; the main channels for food-related information are Facebook, supermarkets, Youtube and TV; the conditions for choosing a place to buy are mainly based on reasonable price, freshness, and variety of products; when selecting ingredients, the main factors to consider are freshness, price and quality; most young adults have purchasing habits, but the proportion of main buyers is relatively low. The overall proportion is based on the frequency of purchasing ingredients 1 to 4 times a month at most, and the maximum expenditure for each purchase of fresh ingredients is less than 500 yuan, while the main buyers and those living with their families spend more on purchasing fresh ingredients a higher amount. Preschool children under the age of 6, elderly people over 70 years old, and young women are slightly more likely to purchase domestically produced ingredients and purchase fresh ingredients more frequently. In a balanced diet, the intake of whole grains or whole grains, oils and fats, beans, fish, eggs or meat is close to or in line with the recommended intake, while the intake of vegetables, dairy products, nuts, seeds and fruits is insufficient. Based on the above research results, this study suggests that food and agricultural education should be promoted from the aspects related to Taiwanese people's life, and effective promotion and dissemination of food and agricultural education should be carried out according to the family composition, eating habits and food selection preferences of Taiwanese people. Adjust government resources and system design, guide private units to jointly organize promotion activities based on the living habits of Taiwanese people, and use domestic ingredients and respond to focus on nutrition and health, so as to industrialize food and agricultural education.


立法院,2021,研究成果,議題研析,食農教育立法之展望,取自:https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=6590 pid=209733。
立法院,2021,研究成果,法案評估,食農教育法草案,取自:https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=6588 pid=211194。
