  • 學位論文


Optimum Discriminatory Tariffs with Horizontal or Vertical Product Differentiation

指導教授 : 黃鴻



ABSRTACT This thesis studies the optimum discriminatory tariffs under oligopolistic competition. In chapter 2, we firstly examine the equilibria between Cournot and Bertrand competition and discuss the differences between these two models in trade policies.. Secondly, we try to stretch the two-country model to an n-country model under horizontal product differentiation and find a rule of optimum tariff. Then we use the two country model as benchmark to examine the optimum tariffs for products with vertical product differentiation. Given linear demand functions, constant marginal costs, and only foreign firms competing in the domestic market, we can conclude that the optimum tariff for an import is equal to 50 per cent of price minus marginal cost, which is called 50 per cent profit margin rule in this thesis. In Chapter 3, we introduce a domestic firm into the home market competing with foreign firms and to check how the optimum tariffs would alter. With homogeneous or horizontally heterogeneous but symmetric demands, the addition of a domestic firm to the domestic market will increase the optimum tariffs of the foreign firms by the same amount. However, in a vertical quality differentiating model, the product with higher quality will be levied more rent-shifting tariffs. As a consequence, the introduction of a home firm enlarges the optimum tariff difference between any two foreign countries which export different-quality products.


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