  • 學位論文


Whether the Oncidium industry could become the next star industry following of the Phalaenopsis industry

指導教授 : 羅竹平


花卉是我國最主要的經濟作物之一,平均而言,每公頃花卉生產產值可高達90萬元台幣以上,是其他作物產值的三倍,為高經濟價值作物;現今我國花卉外銷中,以蝴蝶蘭產業獨占鰲頭,為我國每年帶來約2、30億台幣的產值,因此究竟誰得以成為下一個如蝴蝶蘭一般的花卉產業,成為了眾多業者努力尋求的目標。 在眾多花卉品種當中,位居我國切花外銷銷售額之首的文心蘭,成為許多人普遍看好的花卉產業之一,但其總銷售量相較於蝴蝶蘭而言,仍顯得相當稀少,究竟文心蘭產業於之中面臨了什麼問題?於國際市場上遭遇的何等的困難?本研究主要是透過參訪國內文心蘭相關的學者、業者以及協會,並參與本年度國際蘭花協會所舉辦的會議,深入了解文心蘭產業面臨的實務面問題,尋找文心蘭無法進一步開拓市場的原因,並試圖提供可供解決問題的策略,為本研究的重點。 了解文心蘭產業對內所面臨的產業問題,以及對外面臨的問題與阻礙,就文心蘭本身的基本資料以及國外出口概況所遭遇的問題,整理出文心蘭產業的SWOT分析,其中由於文心蘭產業自身所組織的策略聯盟能獲得相當好的績效,因此認為仍需更具規模以及公權力的組織,以此作為基礎提出文心蘭產業未來發展的策略。 儘管文心蘭無法成為蝴蝶蘭一般產值如此龐大的產業,不過倘若能將主要的問題解決,拓展日本市場其於可行通路,使其進口量得以保持成長;解決大陸市場產銷通路等問題,並解決美國市場可帶介質輸美,並開發文心蘭盆花產業,仍然能替我國文心蘭帶來上億美元的銷售額,具有相當大的潛力成為下一個台灣之光。


蝴蝶蘭 文心蘭 外銷 策略聯盟 組織整合


For the exportation markets in Taiwan, flower is one of the main economic crops in Taiwan, as it is high value-added product. On average, output per acre could be US$30,000 for floral industry, which is more than three times greater than other agricultural products. Phalaenopsis industry, which creates the value around one hundred million dollars per year, is the top one industry among the current market of flower exportation in Taiwan. Therefore, developing another “Phalaenopsis industry” has become the main target for those companies need to understand and explore. Among the numerous floral industries, Oncidium is the top one in the quantities of exportation for cut flowers in Taiwan and become one of the most popular product in floral industries. However the total exportation value of Oncidium is much less than Phalaenopsis’. What are the factors that cause this situation? What are those difficulties might be faced in the worldwide market? This study would like to explore and focus on the actual problems that Oncidium industry are encountering and the reason why the Oncidium industry cannot develop the market. Literature reference would involve the responses of interviewing with Scholars, industry, association and attending the international meeting. In the end, it will also offer the suggestion, which might solve these problems. Although the value of Oncidium industry cannot compare with Phalaenopsis industry, if we can solve the main problem, such as how to extend the market in Japan, ensure the growing of the importation, enlarging the sales channels in the market of China, making the soil exporting available in U.S. and developing the potted flower of Oncidium, the Oncidium industry still has great potential to be another star business which can create the value up to one hundred million dollars for Taiwan.


Phalaenopsis Oncidium export strategic alliance Organization


