  • 學位論文

兩性離子分子修飾於功能性化學氣相沈積表面 以抗細胞貼附之研究

Study of zwitterionic molecule-modified functional chemical vapor deposition surfaces for anti-cell adhesion

指導教授 : 蔡偉博


Nonfouling表面,由於能夠抵抗非專一性蛋白質的吸附,以及更進一步可抵抗細胞貼附,已經被廣泛使用在生醫材料和生物晶片上。在本研究第一部分首先將表面藉由化學氣相層積(Chemical Vapor Deposition ,CVD)將表面改質,利用合成方式製造出具有雙離子性的sulfobetaine & carboxybetaine的化合物。並利用其官能基在表面進行反應,使其能達到表面性質改變而達到抗生物性貼附。本研究主要探討藉由所合成之兩個單體與表面反應時的濃度差距,搭配利用石英微量天平測量其吸附量的變化與血清蛋白吸附和纖維母細胞(L929)貼附定量計算等方式來進行表面分析。 另外第二部分利用CVD 的改質表面,藉由Photo-cross-linking接上不同種類的聚合物,例如PEG,Poly NIPAAm等,讓表面上產生親/疏水性質,更進一步在表面同時接上兩種不同性質化合物,製造出細胞圖樣。


Nonfouling surface has been widely used in biomaterials and biosensors due to its potential resistance in non-specific adsorption and cell adhesion. In the first part of this study, first we modified substrate surface by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology. Second , we synthesized the zwitterion sulfobetaine & carboxybetaine monomers, using the corresponding functional group grafting to the CVD coated surface change the character of surface to resisting bio adhesion. In this study, we investigated the surface influence between the concentration of zwitterion monomers by the using of XPS, the protein adsorption by QCM measurement, and the adhesion of fibroblast L929 cell. In the second part of this study, we modified the CVD coated surface by the photo-cross-linking. By the using of photochemical conjugation, we make polymers conjugated to CVD surfaces. By grafting different polymer, such as poly(ethylene glycol) PEG and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (NIPAAm) , change the property of surface. Furthermore, we grafted different polymers on the same surface, producing the cell patterning.


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