  • 學位論文


The Influence of Heterosexual Relationship to Peer Relationship among the Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 李蘭


爲瞭解青少年異性交往經驗對於其人際關係之影響,本研究使用兒童及青少年行為之長期發展研究(簡稱CABLE)計畫資料庫中2004年與2005年之部分資料,進行次級資料分析。本研究納入分析之樣本是於2004年(國一時)與2005年(國二時)皆有填答者,共1964人。 結果發現,研究樣本在國一時的異性交往經驗為:曾經交往過男女朋友的比率為11.24%;有6.38%的人曾經與異性牽手;曾與異性接吻者佔1.83%。在國二時的異性交往經驗為:曾經交往過男女朋友的比率為22.79%;曾與異性牽手者佔16.06%;曾與異性接吻者佔8.41%。在人際關係方面,研究樣本在國二時的「好朋友數」及「與好友互動程度」皆比國一時增加。採多變項分析後發現,「是否與異性交往」及「與異性交往程度」皆對「人際關係」有顯著影響。針對有異性交往經驗者的分析發現,與異性有牽手或接吻經驗者比無經驗者,好朋友數較多,朋友間的互動程度也較好。此外,在兩年間與異性交往程度略有增加者,其好朋友數減少的可能性,較與異性交往程度不變者來得高。 根據本研究結果,建議父母及師長重視國中生與異性交往的問題,並且關心他們因異性交往而在人際關係上的變化。必要時,應提供學生適時的協助與輔導。


The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of adolescents’ heterosexual relationship to their peer relationship. Some variables selected from a project of “Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE)” were used for secondary data analyais. There were 1,964 students who finished questionnaires both in 2004 (the seventh grade) and 2005 (the eighth grade ). It was shown that 11.24% of the seventh graders having heterosexual relationship. For the seventh graders, the rates of helding hands and having kiss experiences were 6.38% and 1.83% respectively. For the eighth graders, the rate of having heterosexual relationship was 22.79% while the rates of helding hands and having kiss experiences were 16.06% and 8.41% respectively. In terms of peer relationship, the number of best friends and degree of interaction with best friends in eighth grade were higher than that in the seventh grade. The results of multiple regression indicated that having heterosexual relationship was significantly influenced students’ peer relationship. Besides, the students having the experience of hand holding or kissing reported more friends than those who never having same experience. The students having the experience of hand holding or kissing reported higher score of interaction with friends than those who never having same experience. It was found that students reporting increased level of heterosexual relationship in two years showed less number of best friends than the students who never changed their heterosexual relationship in two years. Babsed on these findings, it was suggested that parents and teachers should pay attention to the students’ heterosexual relationship, and care about the change of peer relationship because of having heterosexual relationship. Parents and teachers should provide assistance and counseling to the students who need help.


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