  • 學位論文


Study on the Cold Chain of Fresh Vegetable and Fruit in Taiwan

指導教授 : 雷立芬
共同指導教授 : 郭政忠(Cheng-Chung Kuo)


隨著人們生活品質提升以及國際自由貿易興盛,對新鮮蔬果的需求明顯攀升,冷鏈(clod chain)已然成為全球發展的最新趨勢。我國雖有豐富的農業資源,一年四季可生產各種特色蔬果,但運銷過程的損耗情況相當嚴重,也因產地批發市場缺乏預冷保鮮設施以及港口冷藏設備不完善,而國際競爭力薄弱。因此,本研究以文獻分析方式收集國內外有關蔬果冷鏈相關資料,以期歸納我國蔬果冷鏈發展的問題,進而並提出發展策略。 經過整理美國、日本、荷蘭以及中國發展農產品冷鏈的經驗,本研究發現目前我國面對的問題主要有:產地缺乏預冷設施和小型冷鏈物流中心、第三方物流的蔬果宅配冷鏈措施未嚴格把關、缺乏蔬果冷鏈物流專業人才的培訓、農民缺乏對於科技運用管理的知識以及投入計畫性生產比例太低等。更重要的是蔬果長期被視為低價產品,不但消費者及生產者均忽視全程低溫配送的重要性,政府也未能從整體產業發展與提高國際競爭力的角度,完整規劃蔬果冷鏈物流體系。 本研究建議,政府應優先規劃設立蔬果科學園區,並將農產品物流中心的定義和規範納入農產品交易法中,同時透過各種宣傳管道教育消費者與生產者蔬果冷鏈物流的在食品安全以及對我國農業發展的重要性。具體措施包括協助各地區形成產地衛星型的低溫物流中心、提供客戶所需的蔬菜和水果的食品相關認證、生產者契約導入農民生產保險以保障生產農場收入、以及設立蔬果冷鏈物流相關課程,培養蔬果冷鏈物流之專業人材等。


With the improvement of people’s living quality and the prosperous international free trade, the demands for fresh vegetables and fruits have significantly increased, and the cold chain has become the latest trend for global development. Even though Taiwan has abundant agricultural resources and is able to produce various kinds of vegetables and fruits all year round, the wastage during the course of transportation and sales remains relatively significant as well. Furthermore, due to the lack of pre-cooling preservation facilities at the wholesale market of the producing area and the unsound freezing equipment at the ports, our international competitiveness is still weak. Therefore, the study collected domestic and foreign information related to the cold chain of vegetables and fruits by the way of literature analysis, hoping to generalize the issues for the development concerning the cold chain of vegetables and fruits in Taiwan and in turns proposing development strategies. Through compiling the experiences of the U.S., Japan, the Netherlands, and China in developing cold chains for agricultural products, the study found out that the current issues faced by Taiwan primarily include: the lack of pre-cooling preservation facilities and small-scale cold chain logistics center at the producing area, unsatisfactory control regarding the cold chain measures for home deliveries of vegetables and fruits by the third-party logistics companies, the lack of training for professional personnel in logistics for the cold chain of vegetables and fruits, farmers lacking of knowledge regarding utilizing technologies in management, and the low percentage of investment in planned production. Above all, as vegetables and fruits have been seen as low-value products for a long time, both consumers and suppliers have neglected the importance of low-temperature delivery during the entire journey, and the government also fails to provide a comprehensive plan regarding the logistic system for the cold chain of vegetables and fruits from the perspectives of overall industrial development and improving our international competitiveness. The study suggests that the government shall prioritize the planning of science parks for vegetables and fruits, and include the definition and regulations regarding the logistics center for agricultural products in the Agricultural Products Market Transaction Act. Meanwhile, the government shall educate consumers and suppliers the importance of logistics for the cold chain of vegetables and fruits to food safety and the agriculture development in Taiwan through various promoting channels. In particular, such includes assisting different areas to build satellite low temperature logistics center for producing areas, providing certificate related to vegetables and fruits required by customers, protecting the income of producing farms through introducing farmers' production insurance into the supplier contract, establishing courses in relation to logistics for the cold chain of vegetables and fruits, and cultivating professional talents regarding logistics for the cold chain of vegetables and fruits.


