  • 學位論文


An empirical study of the demand for railway station: geographically weighted regression approach

指導教授 : 賴進貴


為因應臺灣高速鐵路通車後對國內西部走廊運輸市場所造成的衝擊,政府在2000年擬定了「臺鐵捷運化」政策,因應臺鐵面對高速鐵路的競爭,研擬將其經營重心轉移至城際旅次及通勤旅次。同時藉由增設通勤車站、增加列車密度以及簡化現有車種及票務制度等三大目標,進行對臺鐵現有系統的改善;而在臺鐵捷運化政策下所增設的通勤車站遍佈於西部走廊各地,同時地方政府也積極規劃在各地增設通勤車站,因此臺鐵必須在設站成本與車站運輸需求間進行衡量,而通勤車站之運輸需求分析與未來運量預測即是重要的評估指標。 過去運輸需求分析預測強調旅次起迄點之運輸需求,但對新增通勤車站的功能性而言,更強調車站上下車旅客數量是否能使達到政策預期目標;本研究嘗試同時使用計量經濟學中的全域式(global)迴歸以及空間統計分析的地理加權迴歸對臺鐵車站之運輸需求及其影響因子進行實證性研究,並以區域觀點比較並討論其各種影響因子對車站運輸需求的影響情形。 本研究中全域式迴歸的結果中,改良線性迴歸的半對數形式迴歸模式其R-Square值為68%,而地理加權迴歸R-Square值提升為80%,改善了模式整體的解釋能力;同時透過地理加權迴歸輸出的結果地圖,可以發現各區域在各種因子對臺鐵車站需求影響力的不同,同時兩種模式的實證過程皆發現人口與於臺鐵車站運輸需求呈現負相關。 臺灣過去從未應用地理加權迴歸分析鐵路運輸系統,本研究除了對臺鐵車站進行運輸需求的實證性研究外,將運用全域式迴歸與地理加權迴歸兩種模式,對高雄計畫中所新增設的七個通勤車站進行運輸需求預測,預測結果地理加權迴歸模式考量了空間性,較全域式迴歸更能符合實際車站營運情形。本研究使用地理加權迴歸進行運輸需求分析及預測的過程結果,提供專業人員未來分析方法及決策之參考。


Due to the opening of Taiwan high speed railway, conventional railway (Taiwan Railway Administration, TRA)faced an impact in the middle and long-term trips. TRA has change their operational policy under the TRA Rapid-Transit-Systematize Project in three goals: increasing the density of stations, increasing the frequency of trains and consolidation the types and tickets of train. The issue we concerned in this project today is how to increase the density of station reasonable by doing railway demand analysis and forecasting. There are several models use the origin-destination (OD) data in railway demand analysis and forecasting, but government may concern about the usage of new stations rather than OD trips. We aim to build a model by using global regression and geographically weighted regression (GWR), and analyze the demand of TRA stations in the main lines. Then we will have discussion with regional aspects with the result of GWR, and we expect that GWR can improve the global regression model by consider the spatial features. The result of global regression and GWR in R-square value is 0.68 and 0.80, and we can discuss different effects in different regions by the map result of GWR. We also found that both models have negative effect in factor population. Past studies never use GWR in analysis or forecasting railway demand in Taiwan, in this study we will try to use both models in railway analysis and trips forecasting in 7 new stations in Kaohsiung Project. And the result of forecasting by GWR is closer to reality than global regression model.


交通部鐵路改善工程局網站(2011) http://www.rrb.gov.tw
張齡方、古建廷、林俊男 (2006)以地理加權迴歸分析建立灌溉綠與各影響因子之關係,農業工程學報,52(2):73-82。


