  • 學位論文


The Effect of Single or Combination Formulas Comprising of Onion, Lemon and Drynaria fortunei J. Sm on Osteoporosis. A Menopausal Ovariectomized Mice Model.

指導教授 : 郭宗甫


IV 中文摘要 骨質疏鬆症是普遍存在且好發於骨骼上的疾病,其特徵為造成骨量減少和骨礦物質密度降低,進而容易導致骨骼受損影響的強度和提高機率產生骨折。 本研究建立了動物的卵巢切除術(OVX),利用小鼠模擬人類女性絕經後骨質疏鬆模式,並利用洋蔥,檸檬和骨碎補單方和複方進行飲食的影響治療。 手術後2週等其傷口復原進行8週的治療餵食(a)洋蔥0.7g(b)檸檬0.7g(c)骨碎補(d) 洋蔥0.25g/檸檬0.25g/骨碎補0.25g等呈顯著影響骨質量與所有其他組的OVX小鼠比較。最後使用微電腦斷層掃描造 影檢視相關骨質指標,發現經由治療後小鼠具有提高BV/TV(Bone volume/total tissue volume)、骨小樑數量(Trabecular Number)、骨小樑厚度(Trabecular Thickness)、BMD(Bone Mineral Density) 並能降低骨小樑分離度(Trabecular Separation)與OVX組小鼠相比。然而對於血清中的游離鈣及無機磷,數值顯示實驗中各組間無差異顯著。這些結果表示了利用單方或複方的洋蔥、檸檬、骨碎補能夠延緩因為雌激素缺乏造成的骨質疏鬆症及降低引發的骨缺損風險。


Osteoporosis (OP) is the most prevalent skeletal disorder characterized by decreased bone mass and bone mineral density, which leads to impaired skeletal strength and increased susceptibility to fractures. This experiment established the ovariectomized (OVX) mouse model of postmenopausal osteoporosis, and examined the effect of supplementation with drinks and foods containing single and combination formulas comprising onion, lemon and Drynaria fortunei J. Sm. on ad libitum food intake and on bone mineral density (BMD). Two weeks after osteoporosis had been induced and 8 weeks after feeding had begun the tibia BMD of OVX mice administered (a) onion 0.7g, (b) lemon 0.7g, (c) Drynaria fortune 0.7g, and (d) onion 0.25g/lemon 0.25g/Drynaria fortune 0.25g showed significant increases compared with that of all other groups of OVX mice. Closer examination using microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) also revealed that the (a)(b)(c)(d)-administered mice had denser trabecular bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV) and a higher trabecular number (Tb.N)、Trabecular thickness(Tb.Th)、BMD values compared to all other mouse groups, whereas trabecular separation (Tb.Sp) was significantly lower in the OVX group. As for the serum calcium and phosphorus, the values showed no significant differences among all groups in our experiment. These findings indicate that administration of single and combination formulas comprising onion, lemon and Drynaria fortunei could retard bone loss induced by estrogen deficiency and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


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