  • 學位論文


Capturing Nature: John James Audubon and Birds of America

指導教授 : 劉巧楣




This thesis seeks to explore the scientific value of Birds of America and argues that Audubon’s field observations and life history narrative can contribute to ornithology. The research starts with a quantitative analysis of the content of each plate from Birds of America in order to demonstrate the general characteristics of the book, as well as the subtle differences between each plate. The subsequent chapters explore the scientific significance of Birds of America. I make the three following arguments. Firstly, the various ways of depicting birds result from Audubon’s mixed opinions about examining specimens and the changing trend in scientific illustrations. Secondly, many plates in Birds of America share similarities with long-existing ornithological illustration traditions. By copying and alternating the details of well-known schemes of bird art, Audubon was able to disseminate his new findings of avifauna more clearly and efficiently. Thirdly, Audubon’s meticulous studies of plants in backgrounds hint at his familiarity with botanical illustrations; however, he preferred presenting plants as if they were growing in the wild. These depictions of flora are not simply decorative patterns, instead they are a tool to identify birds' sighted locations and seasons. My research proves that Birds of America tackled studies of details and nuances of avifaunal appearance and behaviors, which many predecessors and contemporaries of Audubon had long overlooked. Therefore, my thesis demonstrates that alongside being a collection of exquisite bird art, Birds of America is also a scientific work in its own right.


Albin, Eleazar. A Natural History of English Song-Birds. London: A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, and S. Birt, 1737. Biodiversity Heritage Library.
———. A Natural History of Birds. London: Printed for the author and sold by William Innys in St. Paul's Church yard, John Clarke under the Royal-Exchange, Cornhill, and John Brindley at the King's Arms in New Bond-Street, 1731-1738. Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Aldrovandi, Ulyssis. Ornithologiae, Hoc Est De Avibvs Historiae, Libri Xii. Bononiae: apud Franciscum de Franciscis Senensem, 1599-1603. Library of Congress.
Aristotle. History of Aniamls. Translated by Richard Cresswell. London: George Bell Sons, 1878. Biodiversity Heritage Library.
