  • 學位論文


Agricultural Disputes and Settlement Methods Common in Taiwan

指導教授 : 粱朝雲


本研究探討國內常見的農事糾紛,以及農民因應方式和人口變項差異,並分析農事糾紛種類對所採因應方式的影響。研究者首先透過兩輪的焦點團體座談與後續的個別諮詢,彙整出117個問卷的可能題項,隨後濃縮成65個題項。研究者再藉由網路問卷收集到435份有效樣本,進行統計分析,研究結果顯示:臺灣農民最常遇到的糾紛類型是「偷騙行為」,其次依序為:「不慎過失」、「責任歸屬」、「農地使用」、「環境管理」,而最不常遇到的是「設施機具」及「信用理賠」;而農民因應糾紛的方式有「調解」和「第三方介入」兩種類型。 當農民遇到「環境管理」(規模小者)、「不慎過失」、「農地使用」及「偷騙行為」等糾紛時,會採用「調解」方式來解決紛爭;但若遭遇「信用理賠」糾紛時,則不會採用此種方式來因應。當農民遇到「環境管理」(規模大者)、「責任歸屬」和「不慎過失」糾紛時,會選用「第三方介入」來解決紛爭;但若遇「設施機具」糾紛時,則不會採用此解決方式。本研究另發現,男性比女性更喜愛應用「調解」來解決農事糾紛;高學歷的農民更積極處理農事糾紛,並視糾紛種類不同,採行互異的因應方式。


因應方式 糾紛種類 農事糾紛 農業 臺灣


This study explores the common domestic agricultural disputes, as well as the differences in farmers’ settlement methods and demographic variables. The impact of the types of agricultural disputes on the settlement methods adopted is also analyzed. Through two rounds of focus group discussions and follow-up individual consultations, the researcher first compiled 117 possible questionnaire items, and then condensed them into 65 items. Four hundred thirty-five valid samples were collected through an online survey and the results of statistical analysis reveal that: The most common type of agricultural disputes encountered by farmers in Taiwan is “stealing”, followed by “inadvertent negligence”, “attribution of responsibility”, “agricultural land use”, and “environmental management”; and the least frequently encountered are “facilities and equipment” and “credit claims”. There are two types of settlement methods for farmers to deal with disputes: “reconciliation” and “third-party intervention”. When farmers encounter disputes such as “environmental management” (small-scale ones), “inadvertent negligence”, “agricultural land use” and “stealing”, they tend to use “reconciliation” to resolve disputes; However, if encountering a “credit claim” dispute, they would not use “reconciliation” to deal with it. When farmers encounter disputes about “environmental management” (large-scale ones), “attribution of responsibility” and “inadvertent negligence”, they tend to choose “third-party intervention” to resolve these disputes; However, in the event of a dispute over “facilities and equipment”, this method of settlement would not be adopted. This study also found that, in terms of “reconciliation” settlement, male farmers are more active than female ones. Farmers with higher education levels would be more active in handling agricultural disputes. They would adopt different settlement methods depending on the types of agricultural disputes.


