  • 學位論文


System Identification of An Isolated Bridge Considering Nonlinearity of Soil

指導教授 : 田堯彰


本文旨在建立一個簡化隔震橋梁模型與其系統識別法,期望能識別出具物理意義的參數。利用集中質量的方式,並且考慮橋梁軸向與橫向,將橋樑簡化為十個自由度。在識別模型建立的過程中,假設橋面板為剛性,橋柱之力學行為為線性。隔震裝置考慮人造橡膠支承墊和鉛心橡膠支承墊,其中上部結構經由人造橡膠支承墊與橋台隔離,在分析上以線性彈簧模擬其水平勁度,並考慮橡膠支承墊提供的阻尼效應,而上部結構與橋柱之間則是以鉛心橡膠支承墊作為隔震裝置,鉛心橡膠支承墊分析上採用遲滯-雙線性模型模擬,再根據輸出誤差法識別出橋柱與隔震裝置的結構參數。樁基礎部分經由土壤彈簧法將土壤阻抗簡化為等效彈簧與阻尼,並以Bouc-Wen模式模擬其非線性行為,透過最小平方法識別出樁基礎的Bouc-Wen參數。 在實例分析部分,將採用隔震橋梁「白河橋」,於1999年10月22日嘉義地震所收集到一筆地震反應進行實例分析,經由識別方法得到各部結構參數後,接著求出結構各部分的歷時反應,與實際量測反應比較,進而驗證橋梁模型與識別方法的可行性與正確性。


The objective of the research is to establish a system identitfication procedure with isolated bridge, expecting to identify the physical meaning of the parameters. The bridge can be simplified by ten degrees of freedom with lumped mass. In the procedure of identification, assuming the bridge deck is rigid, and the mechanical behavior of the pier is linear. The horizontal stiffness of the rubber bearing between superstructure and abutment is simulated by linear-elastic spring, and the damping effect of the rubber is also considered. Moreover, the mechanical property of lead rubber bearings used for isolation system between superstructure and pier is simulated by bilinear hysteresis loop model. The structure parameters of the pier and isolation devices can be identified by output-error method. Besides, in pile foundation, the author describe the soil-structure interaction system with the soil-spring method, then the effect of soil and structure can be simplified into an equivalent spring and damper, and assume that the reaction is non-linear behavior, following the Bouc-Wen model. The parameters of the Bouc-Wen model can be identified by least square method. In the case study, the research use the Bai-He Bridge, and measurement data is obtained by Chiayi earthquake, which occurred on October 22,1999. Structure parameters are generated directly by identitfication procedure, then time history response of the bridge can be easily calculated. Finally, the reliability of the identification procedure is verified by comparison of the measurement data for actual bridge with the corresponding data obtained from identification procedure.


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